Christian Classics

Shakespeare's indebtedness to the Bible is a subject of neglect in mainstream Shakespeare scholarship. This is surprising, inasmuch as the relevant data has been compiled by a coterie of Shakespeare scholars, most notably Naseeb Shaheen in his book Biblical References in Shakespeare's Plays . [1]...
Shakespeare's indebtedness to the Bible is a subject of neglect in mainstream Shakespeare scholarship. This is surprising, inasmuch as the relevant data has been compiled by a coterie of Shakespeare scholars, most notably Naseeb Shaheen in his book Biblical References in Shakespeare's Plays . [1]...
Paul Helm Articles
John Calvin, Sermons on the Acts of the Apostles 1-7 (Edinburgh, Banner of Truth Trust, 2008) Reviewed by Paul Helm Students of Calvin know the story of how many of his sermon transcriptions, bound in volumes and kept in the University Library in Geneva, were sold off for next to nothing to free up...