
Scripture's account of God's command to Abraham to "circumcise the flesh of [his] foreskin" (Gen. 17.11; KJV) affords Calvin ample opportunity to reflect on the reality and nature of sacramental signs. Thus he is keen, in his comments on this and surrounding verses, to emphasize the close...
Worldliness: Resisting the Seduction of a Fallen World Edited by C.J. Mahaney Foreword by John Piper Crossway Books (September 2008) 192 p. A broken leg gets more attention than the nagging pain in your side. But the attention we give to an illness is not always an accurate judge of its severity...
In the forward to Dr. Richard Pratt's first book, Every Thought Captive , John Frame asserts that Reformed people are often strong in setting forth Biblical theories for apologetics but are "generally weak in training one another to do apologetics." Frame is right I believe, and though Dr. Pratt's...
Carl Trueman Articles
We can now take this point a stage further: in this context, that of the god-like aspirations of leadership, sin becomes incredibly attractive. In the Confessions, Augustine makes it clear in relation to a trivial act of the youthful crime of stealing some pears from a neighbour's tree. It was not...
Up until a few weeks ago, Congressman Mark Foley served as the United States Representative from the 16 th District of Florida. In what is now a painful irony, Representative Foley formerly served as co-chair of the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children. Now he has resigned in disgrace for...