Welcome to Meet the Puritans 2.0

Feb 1, 2016
Welcome to Meet the Puritans, where the dead still speak (Heb. 11:4).
I'd like to thank all the faithful readers of the old Meet the Puritans site and for the Alliance in having the vision to make it new and improved. We have assembled a great lineup of pastors and scholars whose passion is to bring old truths to a new generation. Let me offer a brief intro to site:
Our purpose is to introduce the theology and piety of the seventeenth century English Puritans in particular and of sixteenth-eighteenth century Reformed orthodoxy in general by means of sharing original research, writing theological and devotional commentary upon the writings of the 16th–18th centuries, and recommending helpful print, audio, and video materials for your study of the Puritans and Reformed theology.
Our audience is threefold: first, Reformed Christians who need to reconnect with their heritage; second, evangelical Christians who need to be introduced to this heritage; and third, the world that needs the answer this heritage gives.
Our goals in doing this are instruction concerning “the unsearchable riches of Christ” (Eph. 3:8) found in the writings of the 16th–18th centuries so that a new generation would be filled with love for Christ and his historic church so that it might serve him in the world more effectively.
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Rev. Daniel R. Hyde, Editor