
I. Introduction "What is the relation between baptism and salvation in the thought of John Calvin?" This is a timely question, given that there has been much discussion over this very subject of late. On the one hand, there are those who claim that Calvin taught "baptismal regeneration" - at least...
In the context of conforming more consistently to the Westminster Confession of Faith , our Session revisited re-baptism while studying sections 27:3 and 28:6-7, especially pondering these closing words: “The sacrament of baptism is but once to be administered unto any person.” This led us to...
In considering the differences between those who support and those who oppose the baptism of infants, focusing too narrowly upon the need for faith in the recipients of the rite can be misleading, for among Reformed Christians this necessity is granted on both sides of the debate. No less than for...
In considering the differences between those who support and those who oppose the baptism of infants, focusing too narrowly upon the need for faith in the recipients of the rite can be misleading, for among Reformed Christians this necessity is granted on both sides of the debate. No less than for...
The Transfiguration holds great significance within the narratives of the Synoptic gospels and considerable promise for Christian theological reflection more generally. Yet it receives relatively little attention in many quarters, its importance lying underappreciated and unexplored. This neglect...
Infant baptism strikes the fear of God into me. Baptism really establishes - in a public, visible manner - a covenant relationship. A love relationship, involving promises and responsibilities, blessings and curses, is begun by a gracious God, who must always begin a covenantal relationship to his...
I appreciate IX Marks ministries, and their desire to take ecclesiology seriously. But I did read this from IX Marks and thought it would be good to interact a little with this perspective: Daughter: Daddy, am I a Christian? Me: If you're repenting of your sins, and putting your trust in Jesus,...
Eric Hutchinson
Is Paul also among the sacramentarians? When the Apostle uses a word six times in five verses, it is probably worthwhile to pay attention and ask what he is up to. This is what he does with the verb βαπτίζειν in 1 Corinthians 1:13-17. You can see the instances in bold below. 10 Παρακαλῶ δὲ ὑμᾶς,...
...maybe I was "converted under duress." This is one of Captain Believer's Baptism Only's arguments against my fellow MoS co-hosts. It was my third pregnancy. My husband grew up Catholic, and was therefore double dipped when we had attended a Baptist church for the first seven...
...maybe I was "converted under duress." This is one of Captain Believer's Baptism Only's arguments against my fellow MoS co-hosts. It was my third pregnancy. My husband grew up Catholic, and was therefore double dipped when we had attended a Baptist church for the first seven...