Biblical Exposition

An ancient proverb says: “We must howl with the wolves, because the wolves will immediately devour everyone who makes himself a sheep.” Such worldly wisdom tickles the ears of all who despise the meekness of Christ’s kingdom. It is despised because unbelievers fear the meek must always be devoured...
There’s a bright thread of connection between the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and the way the sermon on the mount begins. The tree stood as a perpetual sign for Adam and Eve to rely upon and walk submitted under God’s word. God declared all that was good or not good and they, as His...
Foundations of Covenant Theology Several songs of the 60s refer to man’s need to “get back to the Garden.” Lane Tipton reminds us of a much greater place: a heavenly temple made holy by the presence of the glory of the triune God. It’s the starting place for Lane’s latest book, Foundations of...
Shepherding visits are helpful for shepherds and sheep. For the flock, the visit provides informal genuine care and guidance. Among many blessings, shepherding affords the under-shepherd an opportunity to glean information that will enable him to better care for the flock in the future. Several...
This World Is Not My Home We long for the end of the current pandemic and the opportunity to gather freely with old friends face-to-face. For now, our hosts make do with an online meeting with pastor, church planter, and author Mark Johnston. Mark has curated a series of his articles posted at...
It is often the case that a minister only begins to really appreciate the value of his books when the time comes for him to part with them. Sometimes it happens when he runs out of space on his shelves and he is forced to thin them out. Or it may be when it comes to his retirement and he is...
When you hear the title Expository Preaching, you may expect to find a “how-to” manual written for pastors. But David Strain’s contribution to the Blessings of the Faith series speaks instead to the congregation, providing a stout defense for expositional preaching in your Reformed church. David...
It’s doubtfully a surprise to anyone to say that we live in an age of increasing division and polarization. This fact seems to accentuate the need for each of us to use wisdom in how we speak and engage with one another. It’s likely that each of us can look back at times in our lives when, in...
Old Testament Use of Old Testament - Part 2 Jonathan Master and James Dolezal are beginning the new year with one of their favorite chats of 2021! So, Gary Schnittjer returns this week to conclude a fascinating and vital conversation about his book Old Testament Use of Old Testament . Released just...
Old Testament Use of Old Testament - Part 1 NOTE: To begin the new year, Jonathan and James have chosen to repost one of their favorite interviews of 2021. This two-part conversation concludes on our next episode on 1/24/22. Our hosts are delighted to welcome a friend and former colleague Gary E...