Church Councils

This week on Theology on the Go, our host, Dr. Jonathan Master is joined by the Rev. Dr. Peter Lillback (PhD, Westminster Theological Seminary). Dr. Lillback is president and professor of historical theology and church history at Westminster Theological Seminary. He also serves as the president of...
Welcome to Wednesdays @ Westminster as we exposit and apply the teaching confessed in the Westminster Larger Catechism . First up is a brief introduction . A Meaty Catechism When our spiritual forefathers gathered at Westminster Abbey in the mid-1640s to express the Christian faith, they labored to...
David Owen Filson Articles
Books, they say, are a preacher's whiskey. Like many students of theology and Church History, my study walls are encrusted with volume after volume beckoning me to, as C.S. Lewis once said in his essay, On the Reading of Old Books , "work my way through a bit of tough theology with a pipe in my...