
Carl Trueman Articles
What do brainless and temperamental supermodel, Naomi Campbell, and certain leading figures in American evangelical Christianity have in common? No, I am not thinking of the obvious things: first-class air travel, tantrums, five star hotels, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and demands for...
I'm just finishing Garth M. Rosell's very readable book, The Surprising Work of God: Harold JohnOckenga and the Rebirth of Evangelicalism (Baker). It's essentially a biography of Ockenga,with particular focus on his role in the wider post-war American evangelicalrenaissance. Of special interest to...
I'm just finishing Garth M. Rosell's very readable book, The Surprising Work of God: Harold JohnOckenga and the Rebirth of Evangelicalism (Baker). It's essentially a biography of Ockenga,with particular focus on his role in the wider post-war American evangelicalrenaissance. Of special interest to...
Bing Davis
I cannot begin to express how many sympathetic back pats, mildly shaken heads and ever so slightly rolled eyes I have gotten at the news that I was reviewing a book on the apologetics of Francis Schaeffer. I must say that I have understood, at least partially, those reactions by Godly and loving...
Greg Beale
EDITOR'S NOTE: The article below is a surrejoinder from G.K. Beale in response to Peter Enns's published rejoinder to Dr. Beale's JETS Review Article of His Book, Inspiration and Incarnation. I thank Peter Enns for responding to my review article of his book, Inspiration and Incarnation . [1] It...
Carl Trueman Articles
I will delay answering the above question until the end of the article. Instead, I want to start by noting that Father Richard John Neuhaus has some good fun at Protestantism's expense in the latest First Things . In the priceless `While We're at It' section, RJN quotes (page 80) from a recent...
Paul Helm Articles
I thank Kevin for his kind personal references, and for his lengthy response to my piece. But it doesn't get to the point, does it? Of course Kevin is not to be tarred with the brushes of Franke, Grenz and Murphy. Each has his or her own theological picture to paint. Nevertheless they and Kevin ,...
Kevin Vanhoozer
I've been reading just about everything Paul Helm writes with great enthusiasm since I first encountered his The Varieties of Belief (1973) during my days as an undergraduate. Moreover, I almost always find myself agreeing with him, even when he champions positions that are no longer popular (e.g...
Paul Helm Articles
In recent times Charles Hodge has come in for a drubbing in connection with his remarks on the nature of what he calls theological science, as these are set out in the first seventeen pages of his Systematic Theology. (See, for example, Nancey Murphy, Beyond Liberalism and Fundamentalism: How...
Paul Helm Articles
In a recent comment Steve Bush takes issue with the accuracy of some of my review of John Franke's The Character of Theology , which appears in Reformation21 . I take up - I hope in the spirit of generous orthodoxy - his three points in turn. Knowledge and context . It is said that the only...