Posts by Todd Pruitt

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"If I profess, with the loudest voice and clearest exposition, every portion of the truth of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at that moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christ. Where the battle rages there the...
Protestants are not Roman Catholics. Pretty profound eh? But one important distinction is that Protestants know that the call to vocational ministry is not a sacrament. While there are unique responsibilities and blessings to being one who preaches, the call to preach does not provide a spiritual...
Clark Pinnock died on Sunday at the age of seventy-three. Dr. Pinnock was a theologian who stirred up no small amount of controversy during his life. Early in his career Pinnock was a conservative of the fundamentalist sort. A strong advocate for the Bible's inerrancy, Dr. Pinnock (a Canadian) was...
The latest issue of Themelios is now available. You can read in PDF or HTML . 1. Carl Trueman Minority Report: Not in the Public Interest 2. Fred G. Zaspel B. B. Warfield on Creation and Evolution 3. Denny Burk Why Evangelicals Should Ignore Brian McLaren: How the New Testament Requires...
In an article posted today, Al Mohler observes that the battle over the Bible's inerrancy is heating up once again. Since 1995 and the publication of Inspiration and Incarnation by Pete Enns the new battle over inerrancy has moved well within the "big tent" of evangelicalism. Kenton Sparks' book...
Sunday's message was part 6 in our series through Revelation 2&3 - What Jesus Says to the Church . The message is entitled "The Faithful Church" (Rev 3:7-13) and can be listened to or downloaded HERE .
Carl Trueman weighs in on some of the recent episodes of seeming self loathing among a few well known leaders in the Reformed community. I have taken the liberty to highlight some portions that I believe are particularly important. Over the last decade, it has become something of a commonplace in...
One of the things I want to do with this blog is provide excellent resources for the Christian lay person. Take time to peruse the "Biblical Studies/Theology" and "Audio" sections of this blog. Some of the newer links in this section are: Ligonier Collections Reclaiming the Mind Theological FAQs...
Kevin DeYoung on the distinction between election and predestination: The terms election and predestination are often used interchangeably, both referring to God’s gracious decree whereby he chooses some for eternal life. In Romans 8:30 Paul speaks of those whom God has predestined, called,...
Thanks to Justin Taylor for posting a link to an important address by Al Mohler to the male students of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. You can download the audio HERE or read the manuscript HERE . Mohler first considers the man of sexual integrity: The first picture is of a man who has set...
It feels a bit hopeless at times. We are, in the words of one commentator, a "70/30 country." That is, we are a country where the majority of citizens (70%) are being ruled by an ideological minority (30%). These ruling elites mock, among other things, biblical sexual ethics. The most recent and...
One of the reasons I like hanging out with Carl Trueman is that he seems to have a reckless disregard for his reputation. What I mean is that he cares more about being truthful than he does about being liked. I'm looking forward to the release of Carl's latest book, Republocrat: Confessions of a...
Randy Alcorn is one of the most articulate pro-lifers I know of. He is also a man who has paid a high price (literally) for his commitment to the weakest, most vulnerable members of the human family. In an interview with Alcorn, Mark Driscoll asks if evangelical pro-lifers are inconsistent in...
Michael Dowd is an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ and a graduate of Palmer Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. He is also enthusiastic about the rise of the new atheists. A self-proclaimed "evangelist" for evolution, Rev. Dowd's words seem eerily similar to some of the postings...
“The motto of all true servants of God must be, ‘We preach Christ; and him crucified.’ A sermon without Christ in it is like a loaf of bread without any flour in it. No Christ in your sermon, sir? Then go home, and never preach again until you have something worth preaching.” [7/9/1876; sermon #...
The latest issue of The White Horse Inn focuses on what Jesus said about the Scriptures. You will notice that Jesus' opinion of the Scripture's reliability is far different from that of the bloggers at Biologos . Having established in previous programs that the New Testament documents are the most...
There is an interesting op-ed in the New York Times by G. Jeffrey MacDonald a pastor in the United Church of Christ. MacDonald makes a connection between the rise of consumeristic religion and pastoral burnout. THE American clergy is suffering from burnout, several new studies show. And part of the...
In a recent article at Ref21 Carl Trueman points out the uncomfortable reality that for Americans under the age of 35, "gay marriage is not even an issue." As much as I would like for that not to be true, it is inescapable. Trueman also observes that for those of his generation opposition to gay...
Sunday's message was part 5 in our current series through Revelation 2&3 - What Jesus Says to the Church . It is entitled "The Walking Dead" and is taken from Revelation 3:1-6. You can listen to or download it HERE .
Consider spending a weekend in Washington DC with Ligonier Ministries for their regional conference. Details HERE .
At this year's Together for the Gospel conference R.C. Sproul reflected on 50 years in ministry. Specifically he addressed what he believes are the greatest threats to the Gospel. It is a powerful and important message.
Check out these great volumes: •Victor P. Hamilton, Genesis 1-17 •Victor P. Hamilton, Genesis 18-50 •Gordon Wenham, Leviticus •Peter C. Craigie, Deuteronomy •Marten H. Woudstra, Joshua •Bruce Waltke, Proverbs 1-15 •Bruce Waltke, Proverbs 15-31 •Daniel I. Block, Ezekiel 1-24 •Daniel I. Block,...
Westminster Bookstore is providing terrific prices on the New International Commentary on the Old Testament (NICOT). Check it out HERE . The new volume on Hosea is now available for 35% off. Check it out HERE .
HT: Scott Clark
Carl Trueman , Professor of Church History and Historical Theology at WTS, was recently interviewed about his book The Wages of Spin . Dr. Trueman is one of the featured speakers at the Full Confidence Conference to be held at Church of the Saviour in September. Bill Feltner: Dr. Trueman, tell us...
"God has given us an anchor for our souls; He has anchored himself to us by the message of the Cross. Let us never cast that anchor off; let us never weaken our connection with the events upon which our faith is based. Such dependence upon the past will never prevent us from having present...
From David Murray : Pastors used to be some of the happiest and healthiest people alive, with better life expectancy than the general population. But... Members of the clergy now suffer from obesity, hypertension and depression at rates higher than most Americans. In the last decade, their use of...
Once again Joel Osteen embarrasses himself and leads thousands into error because he is not qualified to preach God's Word.
Sunday's message was part 4 in our current series What Jesus Says to the Church . The message is entitled "Tolerating the Intolerable" (Rev. 2:18-29) and be listened to or downloaded HERE .
Novelist Anne Rice made headlines a few years ago by embracing the faith and religion of her childhood - Roman Catholicism. This was after years of wandering the earth as an atheist. But now she has publicly announced her decision to no longer be a Christian. She wants to hang on to Christ but not...
This looks like it would be worth attending.
What is the diet in our churches? It is something completely different from Christ and Him crucified. It's me and me improved." - Michael Horton from an interview with the Resurgence
Over at the Resurgence , Michael Horton explains the cruciality of the substitutionary atonement of Christ. When it comes to interpreting Christ's saving work, everything turns on our view of God's character and the seriousness of sin. God's law is not merely a reflection of his will but of his...
Westminster Bookstore is having a great sale on a great new product - The Essential Edwards Collection (5 Vol.) . Jonathan Edwards is not the easiest to read theologian. Okay, that's an understatement. But Owen Strachan and Doug Sweeney have done us a great service by making Edwards accessable...
In reading posts at Biologos I have been struck by the biblical scholars who seem to suggest that their apprehension of truth is of higher authority than what is revealed in God's Word. In other words, when something in the Bible does not comport with their intellectual or sentemental categories...
Jonathan Leeman has posted a review of Richard Phillips newest book - The Masculine Mandate . Every once in a while, you read a book which seems so basic and solid you wonder why no one has already written it. Greg Gilbert’s What Is the Gospel? felt that way to me. So did Richard Phillip’s The...
Just when you think Ted Haggard may have gone away, he reappears. This time he explains to the Wall Street Journal that he "over-repented" for his sins of employing a homosexual prostitute and use of methamphetamine. Biblically speaking, Haggard is disqualified from serving as a pastor (1 Timothy 3...
Crossway has just released an impressive five volume survey of the entire Bible by Starr Meade. It is designed to be used by parents or teachers to train middle and high school young people to know the Scriptures. Starr Meade consistently produces great work. I encourage you to check out her latest...
To celebrate their new location Westminster Bookstore is having a special sale on some terrific books. Check it out HERE .
Good stuff from John MacArtur, Rick Holland, Steve Lawson, C.J. Mahaney and Al Mohler from this year's Resolved . Keynote Panel Questions and...
Recently two American cities have been making headlines for seeking to introduce young students to graphic sexual details under the guise of education. In Provincetown Mass., a policy was recently adopted to distribute condoms to all students regardless of age without parental consent. Meanwhile...
From Ross Douthat : The whole public discussion about whether Christians and other believers should be praying for Christopher Hitchens , currently stricken with throat cancer, strikes me as a rather unfortunate exercise. Surely it goes without saying that he should be prayed for, but surely it...
Recently Sojourners ran an article by a woman named Anne Eggebroten who was shocked that Grace Community Church (John MacArthur, pastor) actually practices what the Bible teaches about male leadership in the home and church. Now, this isn't exactly new. Movements like "evangelical feminism" have...
Last Sunday was part three in our series through Revelation two and three: What Jesus Says to the Church . The message is entitled "The Name on the Stone" and is based on the message to the church at Pergamum (Rev. 2:12-17). You can download or listen to it HERE .
This week, the White Horse Inn featured T. David Gordon, author of Why Johnny Can't Preach and Why Johnny Can't Sing Hymns . Both books are vitally important polemics against the influence of pop culture in the life and worship of God's people. We live in a world of constant distraction. Not only... Dr. Ryken's last Sunday Worship Service as Sr. Minister of Tenth from Tenth Presbyterian Church on Vimeo ...
In my previous post I link to an article by Phil Johnson concerning Biologos and their exotic handling of the Scriptures and historic Christian doctrine. In the comment thread Tom Chantry contributed some thoughts that are worth your time to read: I met a guy on Saturday who told me about his...
Phil Johnson has been paying careful attention to the developments over at Biologos . Johnson points out that the repeated problem with Biologos is what they are saying about the Bible and what it teaches. And what Biologos is saying is clearly outside the stream of historic, orthodox...
The Wall Street Journal has included an article by Brad Greenberg concerning the tendency in modern missions to do good deeds but neglect the good news. Certainly good deeds are the fruit of the good news. If there are no good deeds then something is desperately wrong in our understanding of the...