Posts by Todd Pruitt

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The best books on inerrancy according to Mark Dever - Inerrancy of the Bible: An Anotated Bibliography. Dr. Dever writes the following about John Wenham's excellent Christ and the Bible : I’ve saved the best for last. If I could just recommend one book on the inerrancy of the Bible it would...
I am currently preaching a seven week series through Revelation chapters two and three called "What Jesus Says to the Church." The first two messages, The Tragedy of Lost Love and The Suffering Church can be listened to or downloaded HERE .
In the 1920's J. Gresham Machen knew that his denomination, The Presbyterian Church USA, was in deep trouble. It was not because they were blessing homosexuality or holding pagan ceremonies. Those things would follow later in the 20th century. During Machen's time, the PCUSA departed from the... A Christian Perspective on the Environment Part 1 of 2 from The Veritas Forum on Vimeo ...
"What is there about the cross of Christ which angers the world and stirs them up to persecute those who preach it? Just this: Christ died on the cross for us sinners, becoming a curse for us (Gal. 3:13). So the cross tells us some very unpalatable truths about ourselves, namely that we are sinners...
My latest book review ( Marks of the Messenger ) is up at TGC Reviews . Let me begin with some self-disclosure. I don’t like books on evangelism. I find most of them to be profoundly unhelpful. Some of them are simply bad books. Some are little more than a series of anecdotes strung together. Worse...
I have posted recently on the continued efforts by Biologos to destroy confidence among God's people in the Bible as God's authoritative and fully trustworthy Word. Biologos professes to be evangelical and has recruited supposedly evangelical biblical scholars to advance their curious ideas about...
I am currently working on a review of T. David Gordon's excellent new book Why Johnny Can't Sing Hymns . The subtitle of the book is "How Pop Culture Rewrote the Hymnal." Dr. Gordon pulls no punches. He is not rude or abrasive. But he makes his points without apology. Dr. Gordon seeks to answer the...
Declaration of Independence In CONGRESS, July 4, 1776 The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen United States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of...
Not ones to mince words, the folks at Triablogue have a few things to say about Pete Enns and his work with Biologos . Their words mirror my own concern about Biologos and the biblical scholars that have been recruited to advance their agenda of ridding the church of full confidence in the Bible as...
Check out the video of the sessions from this year's Ligonier National Conference: Tough Questions Christians Face. Sessions: The Brave New World of the New Media - Ed Stetzer Principles of Conduct in Communication - Tim Challies Taking Captive New Media for the Church - Burk Parsons The...
Keswick spirituality is very much like what came to be known earlier in the 20th century as "higher life." If you grew up in a broadly evangelical church in the 70's or 80's then chances are you were at least influenced by this approach to spiritual growth and holiness. I certainly was. I heard a...
It is now clear that, while serving in President Clinton's administration, Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan lied in official documents in order to push a radically pro-abortion agenda. She knowingly manipulated scientific data to justify the evil of partial birth abortion. In 2000 the Supreme...
Westminster Bookstore is preparing for a move to a new, larger location. For a limited time they are offering some wonderful books at 45% off. Check it out HERE .
One wonders why some who claim to be evangelical seem so highly invested in enouraging people to reject whole swaths of the Bible as error or myth . I recall one visit with a scholar who rejects much of the Bible as erroneous. I asked if he believed in the resurrection of Jesus. His reply to me was...
It is nothing new that the doctrine of Scripture is under attack. This has always been the case. It is certainly the case in our day. The reliability of the Bible as God's Word has always been challenged. Even among professing evangelicals the doctrine of the Scripture's inerrancy is actively...
The life and death of Manute Bol demonstrates just how little popular culture, and sadly the church, understands about what constitutes genuine redemption. Writing for the Wall Street Journal , Jon Shields comments: Bol agreed to be a clown. But he was not willing to be mocked for his own personal...
From an interview of Jerry Falwell Jr. by Glenn Beck: Falwell Jr: "We can argue about theology after we save the country." There is so much wrong with that statement that it would be difficult to unpack it all. It is also a window into the sad state of Liberty University. Glenn Beck, a Mormon,...
Sunday's message was part 40 in our series through Hebrews. It is entitled "Faith That Overcomes" and is based on Hebrews 11:29-40. You can listen to or download it HERE . Beginning this Sunday we will take a break from Hebrews. I will preach a series of messages from Revelation two and three...
Dave Garner has written a helpful article entitled Rescuing the Church from the Arms of Digital Deity - Returning to the Authority of Scripture . I love this paragraph: In the twentieth century, liberal Protestants put the Bible on trial and found it guilty of error, abandoned their dependence upon...
There is a new feature on the IX Marks webpage called "Answsers for Church Members." Here's a sample: According to Scripture, why should every Christian join a church? Read Answer » What are some other reasons to join a church? Read Answer » What should I look for in a church? Read Answer » I don’t...
Church of the Saviour now has a blog focusing on strengthening marriage. Check it our HERE .
I have been preaching through Hebrews which is known, in part for its warning passages. Some take those warning passages to mean that it is possible for genuine converts to Christ to lose their salvation. I certainly agree that it is possible for religious people to lose their religion. It is...
It is not a secret. Men are buffoons . Men are morons. Men are inept. Men are predators . These are messages that saturate our culture. From sitcoms to the classroom men are out. In her timely and disturbing book The War Against Boys , Christina Hoff Sommers showed that in the typical American...
Justin Taylor has posted an interview he did with Trip Lee, one of the bright lights in a growing phenomena - Doctrinally thick hip hop. Like Shai Linne, Tripp Lee is right here (in Philadelphia, that is). He is a student at Philadelphia Biblical University and attends Epiphany Fellowship. Epiphany...
Thanks for Andy Naselli for linking to D.A. Carson's message from the NEXT Conference. Excellent! The messages from the Next 2010 Conference (May 28–31, 2010) are available as MP3s . Don Carson’s assignment was to preach on God, and his sermon describes God and then unpacks Exodus 34:1–9. Here’s...
Donald Hilton Jr. has written a very helpful article in Slavo on the addictive properties of pornography. This in no way diminishes personal reponsibility or the reality that indulging in porn is sinful. However, to deny the power of porn to lure and hold its captives is naive and perhaps dangerous...
Last Sunday's message was part 39 in our series through Hebrews. It is entitled "Faith Treasuring God" is based on Hebrews 11:23-29. You can listen to or download it HERE .
God does not give every pastor the same kind of ministry. Some pastors serve in well known churches and receive a great deal of attention. Most pastors serve small congregations and receive little or no attention or praise. Some pastors serve faithfully. Others fail tragically. Some pastors seem to...
Kevin DeYoung has written a thoughtful and helpful review of Rich Stearns book The Whole in Our Gospel . DeYoung voices the very concerns I have about the book. First of all it should be said that Stearns is absolutely right in calling us to care for the poor. No follower of Jesus can ignore the... What is the Gospel? from Southern Seminary on Vimeo ...
Iain Campbell has written a glowing review of Doctrine by Mark Driscoll and Gary Breshears. Not surprisingly, Campbell quibbles with a few issues (there is no such thing as a perfect book). He is cautious about Driscoll and Breshear's views of God speaking in our day as well as what they call "...
The new direction of the Clarmont School of Theology, a United Methodist institution, demonstrates once again how theological liberalism inevitably leads to apostasy. This is one of the reasons why many of us are sticklers for detail when it comes to doctrine. The first reason is that love for and...
Trevin Wax has posted a very helpful review of the late Michael Spencer's recently released "Mere Churchianity." While Trevin finds some very helpful moments in the book he takes issue with what seems to be the recurring problem: "pitting a Jesus-shaped spirituality against a church-shaped...
Sunday's message was part 38 in our series through Hebrews. It is entitled "Faith At The End of Life" and is taken from Hebrews 11:20-22. You can listen to or download it HERE .
Kevin DeYoung has continued to explore the issue of social justice through the lens of Scripture. He has been examining those texts of Scritpure that are most often cited in connection with social justice. In his latest post he deals with Micah 6:8. We come to the beloved words of Micah 6:8, our...
Mark what I say. If you want to do good in these times, you must throw aside indecision, and take up a distinct, sharply-cut, doctrinal religion. If you believe little, those to who you try to do good will believe nothing. The victories of Christianity, wherever they have been won, have been won by...
Carl Trueman will be one of the featured speakers at Church of the Saviour for the Full Confidence Conference on September 24-26, 2010. Hope you are planning to attend.
Piper's three key points: 1) We should teach without any qualification that God created the universe and everything in it. It wasn't always here. It didn't spontaneously emerge from a big bang alone, however God did it. God did it. That's clear, and everybody who believes the Word should preach...
Tom Wright has a bad habit of mischaracterizing the views of those with whom he disagrees. His latest book, After You Believe has been reviewed in CT by Michael Horton . While Horton appreciates much in Wright and his latest book, the bishop's bad habit is on full display once again. Horton is...
From Mike Pohlman at the Gospel Coalition : Writing for TIME magazine, Amy Sullivan brings to our attention an issue that has much of contemporary evangelicalism scrambling for clarity. The issue is the relationship between the gospel and “social justice.” How this relationship develops,...
Sunday's sermon was part 37 in our series through Hebrews. It is entitled "Faith Tested" and is taken from Hebrews 11:17-19. You can listen to or download it HERE .
I know that Memorial Day was yesterday but I wanted to post the following thoughts from Kevin DeYoung . I know it is common for one generation to reject the patriotism of the previous generation. But usually this is nothing more than generational snobbery. The fact is, we owe the free air we...
I have just begun reading 40 Questions About Interpreting the Bible by Robert Plummer and it is outstanding. Here is what Justin Taylor has to say about it: Robert Plummer’s new book, 40 Questions About Interpreting the Bible (Kregel, 2010), is simply excellent. For most books on biblical...
Four score and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth upon this continent a new nation: conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war. . .testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated...
There is a wealth of great resources at the webpage of Independent Presbyterian Church in Savannah, GA. Terry Johnson, the pastor of IPC, is one of my favorite pastor/writers. He has written some wonderful books including The Case for Traditional Protestantism , When Grace Comes Alive , When Grace...
What a mixed bag of good and bad, wisdom and foolishness are the people of God. The Scriptures teach what the Reformers clearly articulated as the doctrine of Total Depravity. I know that no one wants to think of themselves as 'totally depraved.' After all, we are capable of wonderful acts of...
From Trevin Wax : There are a number of evangelical books on the reliability of the New Testament documents. F.F. Bruce and Craig Blomberg have made contributions in this area. Now, Mark D. Roberts joins these scholars with a book designed to bolster our confidence in the historical reliability of...