Thomas Manton

In the last article , I noted the love that some puritans expressed for John 17 and for verse 24 in particular. Verse 24 is special because it teaches that Jesus desires us. He wants us to be where he is. In the present article, I want to look at the reason Jesus wants us to be with him . Jesus...
I fully understand the criticisms of the popular saying “Preach the Gospel at all times. Use words if necessary.” Words are essential (Rom. 10:14-17; Acts 8:26-40). Nevertheless, this saying does point to an important truth: Yes, pastors need to preach the word of God boldly and faithfully. Yes,...
A while back while teaching a mid-week series on the life and work of Thomas Manton, I came across the following quote from Charles Haddon Spurgeon about Thomas Manton. It comes from the "Preface" to Illustrations and Meditations, or, Flowers From a Puritan's Garden, Distilled and Dispensed (London...
Continuing through the neglected Puritan Thomas Manton's (1620–1677) Christ's Temptation and Transfiguration Practically Explained and Improved in Several Sermons (Works, 1:258–336), we come to sermon 5 , which deals Matthew 4:8-9 (click here for sermon 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ). One of the first questions...
Dr. Derek Cooper is Associate Professor of World Christian History at Biblical Seminary (Hatfield, PA). He has the distinct honor of writing the only PhD thesis on the seventeenth-century Puritan, Thomas Manton. He also wrote a popular book on Manton: Thomas Manton: A Guided Tour of the Life and...
Continuing through the neglected Puritan Thomas Manton's (1620–1677) " Christ's Temptation and Transfiguration Practically Explained and Improved in Several Sermons” ( Works 1:258–336), we come to sermon 4 , which deals with Matthew 4:7 (click here for sermon 1 , sermon 2 , and sermon 3 ). This...
Back in 2011 I was interviewed by Tyler Horton over at the "Me and Brooks" blog. Here's the link . We discussed one of my favorites, Thomas Manton. Enjoy.
This week we want to continue through the neglected Puritan Thomas Manton's (1620–1677) " Christ's Temptation and Transfiguration Practically Explained and Improved in Several Sermons” ( Works 1, 258–336). Sermon 3 treats Matthew 4:5–6 (click here for sermon 1 and sermon 2 ). This is a particularly...
This week we want to continue through Thomas Manton's (1620–1677) " Christ's Temptation and Transfiguration Practically Explained and Improved in Several Sermons” ( Works 1, 258–336 ). Sermon 2 treats Matthew 4:2–4. As with sermon 1 , Manton follows the classic Puritan plain style of preaching,...
Thomas Manton (1620–1677) was called "the king of preachers" at his funeral. Anyone that has ever used his expositions of James or Jude for their sermon preparation knows this to be true. He is consistently deep, thorough, and memorable in his exposition of Scripture. All told, his Works comprise...