Cloud of Witnesses: Series Introduction

I am excited to introduce the first episode of “Cloud of Witnesses,” a new blog from Place for Truth. I was surprised and humbled by the opportunity to share my passion for the history of Christianity as a stirring record of God’s faithfulness in preserving his church.
As we continue to celebrate Reformation year, I will mostly introduce men and women of the Protestant Reformation, but I might occasionally include, for variety, Christians from the ancient or medieval church who have strongly influenced the Protestant Reformers. My lofty goal is to avoid boring my readers, while discussing inherently interesting times, issues, situations, and decisions that might be more pertinent to the present than we often realize.
Since it’s proper to speak of 16th-century Reformations rather than Reformation, I will start with a truly European Reformer, a man who lived in four countries and greatly influenced many more: Peter Martyr Vermigli. In future posts, I am planning to introduce other characters of his time in order to draw a broader picture of the European Reformations and the wide network of people who lived them and affected them.
May God use it for his glory.