Christward Collective

Christward Collective

In Isaiah 66:2, the LORD declares, “This is the one to whom I will look: he who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word.” Humility draws the gaze of God.1 James explains, “God gives grace to the humble.” What large promises are attached to the virtue of...
Scripture has instructed and formed my prayer life in a myriad of ways. I’ve learned from the Lord’s Prayer the glorious truth of what it means to pray “My Father” and “Thy Will be Done.” Paul’s prayers have taught me to look beyond immediate physical needs...
Light is an extremely significant motif in Scripture. We first read of it in Genesis 1:3 as the word of God breaks into the darkness of a world not yet created: “Let there be light.” Such is the power of the divine command that we are not surprised to read next, “and there was...
Christopher Chambers sat as he usually did at his Formica kitchen table, the clock inching toward the time at which he would need to stand up and head into work, at least, to make it there on time. The coffee in a mug by his right hand was warm enough to drink but not in a particularly appetizing...
Christians have long understood that we exist for the glory of God. That our purpose in life is found in our Maker and Redeemer. The well known Westminster Shorter Catechism puts it this way: Q: What is the chief end of man? A: Man's chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever. (WSC Q...
Western society, as it slips inexorably into greater unbelief and alienation from God, has created new laws--both written and unwritten--concerning what is and what is not permissible to say in public. “Hate speech," as it is called, seems to be the only intolerable thing to the worldly...
In the days of the selfie and mass public narcissism, it is clear that Christians have an opportunity to be set apart. But how? Should we seek to practice humility by walking around, heads down, mealy-mouthed, and paralyzed by our total depravity? What exactly does Christian humility look like? The...
Prior to and throughout my time of preparation for ministry, I had a burning desire to preach the Gospel. By that, I mean that I had a burning desire to preach the Gospel in the context of the gathered assembly in worship on the Lord's Day. Since I had not yet had adequate theological and...
If you could choose a symbol of your life from nature, something that would describe and define you, what would you choose? A mountain – to portray your reliability? A rose – to convey your beauty? A stallion – to impress with your strength? An orange tree – to remind of...
I am an inerrantist. I believe that the Bible is truthful and without error in every part. But there are two verses that challenge my inerrantist views. No, I’m not quibbling with Metzger or Aland on a textual-critical issue . And I’m not falling prey to some sort of silly trajectory...