Christian education

You and I spend a lot of time interacting with others. In conversations and meetings, texts and emails, and social media posts, we communicate a lot of words and ideas. And in our actions we communicate a lot too, especially about what’s important to us. But do we, in all of these interactions,...
Mark Abdelmessieh
Introduction “Moses said to the Lord, ‘ Oh, my Lord, I am not eloquent…I am slow of speech and of tongue .’ Then the Lord said to him, ‘Who has made man’s mouth? … Now therefore go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall speak…’” (Ex. 4:10-12, cf. Jer. 1:6-9) “For Christ did not...
The topic of civil government is complicated; not so much because of what the Bible says about it but because of our disparate political opinions and experiences. The civic convictions of Christians seem to depend on which party is presently in office. When our party is in control we have a more...
As Stephen Nichols writes in his biography, R. C. Sproul: A Life , “The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy made and makes some wince.” [1] Perhaps the main reason for that wince is the nature of the Statement. It is a line in the sand. It is a boundary marker. In our day, when something as...
Throughout our lives we encounter times when things either seem to be going against us or for us. We would all likely agree that we much prefer the latter. But as believers we know that bitter experiences will come and Scripture reminds us that such times are opportunities to grow in our faith. One...
When we are tripping over ourselves or others are treading upon us, we must remember that God has recovered us time and time again to be sure He will every time. Praise the Lord that though you stumble, you will not fall. Psalm 56:13 reads, For thou hast delivered my soul from death: wilt not thou...
Cyril Lucaris – A Contested Reformer On June 27, 1638, a man was ordered to board a boat, presumably to move to a different location. Instead, the boat had barely left shore when some guards strangled him and threw his body overboard. This man, Cyril Lucaris, had risen to the highest rank in the...
Some people build bookshelves, cabinets, or houses. Some build investment portfolios. Some amass niche collections of books, art, or memorabilia. Some build new businesses or non-profit organizations. Some focus on building their careers or their families. Many Christians in our day are engaged in...
Anne Askew and Her Influence on the English Reformation On July 16, 1546, Anne Askew was burned at the stake after suffering terrible tortures – the only woman on record to have tortured in the Tower of London. What caused such a fury against her? Anne was born around 1521 to Sir William Askew and...
Any discussion on the fruit of the Spirit as laid out in Galatians 5 must begin with the simple fact that the list gives fruits of the Spirit, not fruits of human effort and achievement. Thus any discussion on faithfulness as a fruit of the Spirit also begins there. Faithfulness in the life of a...