Church History

David Owen Filson Articles
Books, they say, are a preacher's whiskey. Like many students of theology and Church History, my study walls are encrusted with volume after volume beckoning me to, as C.S. Lewis once said in his essay, On the Reading of Old Books , "work my way through a bit of tough theology with a pipe in my...
William Knibb (1803-1845) is rightly remembered as one of the great heroes of Baptist history for the key role that he played in the emancipation of the slaves in the British Empire in the 1820s and 1830s. In fact, so powerful was his championship of this cause that some called him "King Knibb"!...
Derek Thomas Articles
Along with The Epistle of Barnabas , 1 & 2 Clement , The Shepherd of Hermas , The Epistles of Ignatius and Polycarp , Te Epistle of Diognetus , and The Martyrdom of Clement, Ignatius and Polycarp , The Didache comprises one of the documents of the "Apostolic Fathers" - documents written in the...
Brent Sadler
American President Theodore Roosevelt once said that "it is not the critic that counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and...
It should not escape the attention of the Christian disciple that some of the most profound spiritual mysteries are very often closely tied to time and history. Take the incarnation for example. Arguably the most weighty of spiritual realities, and yet Luke's accounting of this inscrutable...
Carl Trueman Articles
"To invert a famous quip of Gore Vidal, in theology, it is not enough for heretics to fail; the church must succeed." Last summer, I was fortunate enough to spend some weeks working at a church in Scotland, just outside of Edinburgh. It was certainly good to enjoy extended time back in the old...
Robert J. Cara
"This is not your father's commentary , uh, Oldsmobile." Pelikan's Acts is the first available in the new series, Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible. This series is projected to have 40 volumes and has been highly promoted at various scholarly conferences. This commentary series is designed...
Gregg R. Allison
Having recently taught a course in contemporary Roman Catholic theology at both my former school, Western Seminary (Portland, OR), and my current institution, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (Louisville, KY), my interest was piqued when Is The Reformation Over? An Evangelical Assessment...
It is common to think that the history of the Church between the apostles and the Reformation is irrelevant or at best good late night reading. Some have even gone so far as to distort Church history altogether in works of outrageous fiction. And so how do we combat complacency on the one hand and...
Ligon Duncan articles
Over a decade ago, David F. Wells, began a project to "explore the places of intersection between different aspects of the Christian confession and our (post)modern world" ( Above All Earthly Pow'rs , hereafter AAEP , 12). The project began with his stellar volume No Place for Truth (hereafter NPFT...