
Frank Houghton - Eager to Glorify God The news of the brutal murder of John and Betty Stam – together with a local shopkeeper who tried to defend them – shook the missionary community and other Christians everywhere. It was December 1934, and the 10th division of the communist Red Army had just...
Last week, Wyatt Graham published a post titled, " The Father Was Not Angry at the Son of the Cross ," in which he rightly explained that God the Father never stopped loving the Son--even when the Son hung on the cross. While there are many good and helpful statements in Wyatt's post--and, while he...
Nathan Shurden
God has placed us in a world that's got a rhythm to it. Each day has a sunrise and sunset. Each week has six days of work and a day of rest. Even the four seasons rise and fall with a predictable pattern. This same rhythmic quality comes into play at the end of one calendar year and the beginning...
Talk of God's attributes that is not tethered to concrete stories of God's dealings with his people in history tends toward abstraction (and so away from doxology, where all talk of God should end). The same is true, of course, of talk about any person's attributes. It's one thing for you to tell...
Scott Oliphint
A few years ago, Harvard scholar and author, James Wood, wrote a review of Bart Ehrman's, God's Problem: How the Bible Fails to Answer Our Most Important Question --Why We Suffer, entitled "Holiday in Hellmouth." Wood is an eloquent, penetrating, and insightful thinker and his relatively brief...
Scott Oliphint
A few years ago, Harvard scholar and author, James Wood, wrote a review of Bart Ehrman's, God's Problem: How the Bible Fails to Answer Our Most Important Question --Why We Suffer, entitled "Holiday in Hellmouth." Wood is an eloquent, penetrating, and insightful thinker and his relatively brief...
Our God is a storytelling God. Much of the Bible is narrative, and a lot of that narrative is something that would give our children nightmares. I was 18 years old when I first read the story of the Levite's concubine from Judges 19. I was disturbed and disgusted by this story when I first heard it...
Allen Curry Articles
Fit for a King: Convocation Address at Reformed Theological Seminary Some of you who looked at the title of my address may think I have been co-opted by the development department. That is not the case. I would like for us to look at how our lives at seminary can get us fit to serve the king. In...
Solid Ground Christian Books have republished as a booklet the chapter on the fear of God from John Murray's Principles of Conduct . I confess that I've never been a fan of the book, mainly on the grounds that it is a tedious read (yes, John Henry Newman beats John Murray for prose style every time...
Solid Ground Christian Books have republished as a booklet the chapter on the fear of God from John Murray's Principles of Conduct . I confess that I've never been a fan of the book, mainly on the grounds that it is a tedious read (yes, John Henry Newman beats John Murray for prose style every time...