Jesus Christ

Carl Trueman Articles
I recently had the pleasure to be present at the Bar Mitzvah of the son of a good friend. The pleasure was enhanced by the fact that the friend and I both hail from the UK and have found ourselves in exile in Philadelphia. Only those who have emigrated to a foreign country can understand what a...
The star was so beautiful, large, and clear, That all the other stars of the sky Became a white mist in the atmosphere. And by this they knew that the coming was near Of the Prince foretold in prophecy. Thus wrote Henry Wadsworth Longfellow concerning the star of Bethlehem, which of all the signs...
Justin Taylor
Brian Vickers, assistant NT professor at SBTS, has just published a revised version of his dissertation that explores Paul's theology of imputation. It's entitled Jesus' Blood and Righteousness .
David Owen Filson Articles
Books, they say, are a preacher's whiskey. Like many students of theology and Church History, my study walls are encrusted with volume after volume beckoning me to, as C.S. Lewis once said in his essay, On the Reading of Old Books , "work my way through a bit of tough theology with a pipe in my...
The lion is the only animal that can dare lay claim to the title "the king of the beasts." Really, there aren't any other serious candidates. What other animal has the regal bearing of a lion, with its magnificent mane? What other animal sits with such quiet dignity, enthroned on its four great...
Paul Helm Articles
On 25th December - an arbitrary date in the calendar - most Christians celebrate the coming into flesh of the Eternal Word. We remember and rejoice in what has happened, without trying to turn the clock back and attempting to re-enact it as if it had not yet occurred. We cannot relive that moment...
Paul Helm Articles
On 25th December - an arbitrary date in the calendar - most Christians celebrate the coming into flesh of the Eternal Word. We remember and rejoice in what has happened, without trying to turn the clock back and attempting to re-enact it as if it had not yet occurred. We cannot relive that moment...
Derek Thomas Articles
Toothless Vampires and the Holy Grail It is often suggested that John Milton's Paradise Lost is a better read than his Paradise Regained. It is easier to describe evil than goodness, easier to record the terrors of Hell than the beauty of Heaven; --so the suggestion goes. It is certainly true of...
I always try to act surprised, but when my children give me a gift, I can usually guess what it is. Last year's Father's Day proved to be no exception. My suspicions were first aroused when Jack made the following off-handed remark: "I told Mom that we could take your old glove to Goodwill." "...