
Thabiti Anyabwile
The folks at SovGrace have just announced the C.J. Mahaney sermon archive . You can listen to audio or watch video in their entirety or excerpts. Should be excellent stuff! Also, folks might want to check out the Carl F. H. Henry Center's Scripture and Ministry lectures archive . (HT: Unashamed...
It has been so long since I have made a post that I am (almost) embarrassed to return. But I wanted to make sure that people knew about the upcoming Workshop on Biblical Exposition at Tenth Presbyterian Church on February 6 to 8. The workshop is sponsored by the Charles Simeon Trust, which promotes...
Derek Thomas Articles
How to Listen to a Sermon Understanding the Times Derek Thomas Sermons! They are the stuff of jokes! Like this on, which makes the rounds in different guises: "Barbara remains in the hospital and needs blood donors for more transfusions. She is also having trouble sleeping and requests tapes of...
Paul Helm Articles
Calvin's sermons were delivered extempore, taken down by the remarkable Denis Raguenier, published by the diaconate of Geneva, and the proceeds used to support refugees. Initially, Calvin was not keen on them being published, but when he saw the level of competence of Raguenier and the copyists,...
Derek Thomas Articles
Shortly before college I read Mortimer Adler's little classic How to Read a Book . That may sound like an odd title. After all, how could somebody read the book unless they already knew how to read? And if they did know how to read, then why would they need to read it at all? How to Read a Book...
William H. Smith
One of the binding chapters of the Directory for Worship for my denomination instructs the minister presiding at the Lord's Table to "invite all those who profess the true religion, and are communicants in good standing in any evangelical church." The question that faces the conscientious minister...