
This week on Theology on the Go, our host, Dr. Jonathan Master is joined by the Rev. Todd Pruitt. Rev. Pruitt is a speaker on the Mortification of Spin podcast. A native of Houston, Texas, Todd served as youth pastor in churches in Arkansas, Missouri, Kansas, and Oklahoma. Todd was called as the...
When I was young and living under my parent's tutelage, cleaning my room was a primary chore assigned to me. However, even though I was the chief custodian of my room I was not the boss! After cleaning, my mother would show up for the inspection. More often than not, she would look at me with her...
I love photography and, although I’m not a great photographer, I have learned some of the secrets of capturing a scene or portrait effectively: the most important being to choose angles that allow the details to stand out clearly. When it comes to understanding the cross of Christ, the Gospel...
In the treasure chest of the Gospel, many have argued that our adoption really is the brightest and most beautiful of gems contained in all that Christ accomplished for us. But even taking a closer look at that particular gem we see that adoption itself has many different facets which, when...
On January 31, 2017, P...
This week on Theology on the Go, Dr. Jonathan Master is joined by Dr. David Garner, vice president for advancement and associate professor of systematic theology at Westminster Theological Seminary. Dr. Garner has a wide variety of theological interests including the doctrine of adoption, the...
“A few weeks ago, we ran an interview on missional theology with Dr. Mark Dalbey, president of Covenant Theological Seminary. We’re grateful for the responses we have received as a result of that conversation. Some of the feedback has been appreciative; some listeners have raised further questions...
Aimee Byrd's book, No Little Women , is now on sale. Here is the introduction: We read books for different reasons. But whether we pick a fictional, historical, biographical, doctrinal, or self-help book, we are after a positive experience. There is something noble about reading—even if it isn’t...
Women are not second-class citizens in the Kingdom of God ruled over by Jesus Christ. There are two errors which we can fall into when we consider the role of women’s ministries in the church. We can either ride roughshod over the limits which God in Scripture places on the role of women in the...
This week on Theology on the Go, our host, Dr. Jonathan Master is joined by Aimee Byrd. Aimee is just an ordinary mom of three who has also been a martial arts student, coffee shop owner, and Bible study teacher. Author of Housewife Theologian and Theological Fitness , she now blogs about theology...