Posts by Todd Pruitt

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The latest gathering of the Elephant Room is now history. It stirred up no small amount of controversy. James MacDonald's decision to host prosperity preacher T.D. Jakes, whose views on the Trinity have been murky at best, was greeted with concern from a number of quarters. The concern was due to...
The Case for Life by Scott Klusendorf Abortion: A Rational Look at an Emotional Issue by R.C. Sproul Abortion: Open Your Mouth for the Dumb by Peter Barnes Healing After Abortion by David Powlison Resources from Randy Alcorn Resources from Desiring God 180 Movie
On Sunday I preached part 3 of our current series through Philippians. The title of the sermon is Gospel Partnership (pt 2) and can be listened to or downloaded HERE .
It was 39 years ago today that the Supreme Court of the United States passed the inconceivably bad and immoral decision in the case of Roe V. Wade. Since that day over 50 million babies have been ruthlessly slaughtered in the wombs of their mothers. Abortion is undiluted evil. It is not a pragmatic...
Desiring God is providing a free eBook by John Piper concerning abortion. Read it HERE .
Thanks to Derek Thomas for reading Peter Enns' newest book. It deals with the historicity of God's special creation of a first man (Adam). Dr. Enns, formerly of Westminster Seminary, now denies an historical Adam. Enns concludes: "...the scientific evidence we have for human origins and the...
Matt Chandler preached at Elevation Church this month and told the truth. As a result his sermon was pulled from the Elevation site. Thank God for men like Chandler who preach the God-centered revelation of Scripture rather than the "narcissistic eisegesis" so common today. [youtube http://www...
The book of Revelation has caused no small amount of debate over the years. Various approaches to interpreting Revelation and understanding the last days have generated untold divisions, confusion, and outright lunacy. So, I appreciate those careful, well-studied, and sane voices who help us...
Does modern biology support or undercut human uniqueness? Are the discoveries of brain research compatible with personal responsibility? What does it really mean to be “created in the image of God?” And what are the social and ethical implications of our view of the human person? Explore these...
On Sunday I preached part 2 of our current series through Philippians called Partners in the Gospel . It is entitled "Gospel Partnership" (pt. 1) and can be listened to or downloaded HERE .
Publicity stunts can be dangerous .
Kevin DeYoung weighs in on the "Jesus Hates Religion" video that is all the rage. Before I say anything else, let me say Jefferson Bethke seems like a sincere young man who wants people to know God’s scandalous grace. I’m sure he’s telling the truth when he says on his Facebook page: “I love Jesus...
On Sunday I began preaching through Philippians. I have had a number of requests to post my schedule for the series so that individuals and families can prepare before each Sunday by reading (even memorizing!) the text I will be preaching. Needless to say, I love those sorts of requests. 1 –...
Justin Taylor has posted some lists of top three articles, sermons, etc. chosen by some sharp dudes: Bryan Chapell: •J.I. Packer, “What Did the Cross Achieve? The Logic of Penal Substitution“ •Francis Schaeffer, “A Day of Sober Rejoicing“ •Thomas Chalmers, “The Expulsive Power of a New Affection“...
I continue to be concerned by the number of Christians I meet who seem unable to offer a defense of the faith. The following books are outstanding resources to help equip Christians wanting to know why they believe and offer those reasons to others. Defending the Faith: Every Thought Captive by...
Idolatry is all manner of seeming holiness and worshipping, let these counterfeit spiritualities shine outwardly as glorious and fair as they may; in a word, all manner of devotion in those that we would serve God without Christ the Mediator, his Word and command. In popedom it was held a work of...
David Peterson is a terrific New Testament scholar. I have benefited much from his work. Dr. Peterson recently wrote three essays on the homosexuality as understood through the grid of of the Bible's teaching on holiness. 1. Holiness and God’s Creation Purpose 2. Holiness and Sexuality in the...
On Sunday I began a series of messages through Philippians called Partners in the Gospel. The first sermon is entitled Sinners, Saints, and the Savior. You can listen to or download it HERE .
From a timely post by Phil Johnson: The notion that evangelicals are naïve and squeamish about sex and don't discuss it openly enough is a myth. Evangelical sex manuals have been all the rage as long as I have been a believer, going back to the early 1970s. You had Marabel Morgan's The Total Woman...
In the morning I will begin a new series of sermons through Philippians. Some months ago I wrestled through what to preach next. I had decided to preach Genesis. It’s an amazing book with much to teach us about God, ourselves, sin, and salvation. Then for various reasons I decided I would preach...
One of my favorite new sites on the web is CREDO . It is an on-line magazine, blog, media and book review site. The inaugural edition of Credo Magazine is dedicated to the doctrine of Scripture. In it, Matthew Barrett addresses the doctrine of the Scripture's inerrancy. In defining inerrancy,...
I recently posted some comments and a review of the Christian bestseller Jesus Calling . It is a book that has enjoyed a wide readership. The fans of Jesus Calling are deeply enthusiastic. It is, however, a troubling book in that the author Sarah Young claims that the words of the book were given...
Westminster Bookstore is currently making available their bestsellers of 2011 for 50% off. Check it out HERE .
Great piece by Carl Trueman on learning from reliable men: Someone asked me recently why I seem so alienated from what appears to be the cutting edge in American conservative evangelicalism.Frankly, I have stopped regarding myself as an evangelical over here, in a way that I do back home. Why? Well...
There are things I truly appreciate about Mark Driscoll. I love that he knows and preaches the Gospel (the "matter of first importance" - 1 Cor 15). I love his zeal for evangelism and evident compassion for the lost. I love his desire to teach doctrine so that his church is not shallow and...
In a recent Hardball , Chris Matthews and his panel demonstrate a stunning lack of moral seriousness in a conversation about abortion. Of course, avoiding moral seriousness is necessary if one is to hold a "pro-choice" point of view. The entire abortion debate rests on the issue of personhood. But...
Journibles look like a helpful tool for studying and meditating upon the Bible. I am looking forward to the release of the 1 & 2 Corinthians edition . [vimeo 12586306 w=400 h=225] Journible Spot 1 from Puritan Reformed on Vimeo .
Tim Challies reviews Sarah Young's enormously popular book Jesus Calling . In it, Young claims direct revelation from Jesus Christ. Oddly, while Young claims the entries in her book are the words of Jesus delivered to her, she cautions the reader to not regard them as authoritative as Scripture...
Ed Young Jr. is by no means the only pastor out there with a fondness for preaching and writing about sex. However, his latest project does prompt more than a few questions. Is all this "honesty" about sex truly helpful for the church? Does the presence of Song of Songs in the Bible justify this ,...
Good stuff from Jonathan Leeman : AS IMPORTANT AS ANY OTHER QUALITY I’m not talking about a man who simply checks the belief box on the “authority” or “sufficiency” or “power” of the Bible. I’m talking about a man who whose conviction here runs so deep that it profoundly influences the way he works...
I can certainly identify with much that is in this following list. Perhaps this will serve as a helpful way to inform our prayers for our pastors. From Ron Edmondson: 1. Leading from this position is overwhelming at times. We know Christ is ultimately in charge, but we also know it often seems...
For those of us in church leadership who are always under pressure to innovate, the following words from P.D. James present a relevant challenge: We live in an age notable for a kind of fashionable silliness and imbued with a restless desire for change. It sometimes seems that nothing old, nothing...
On Sunday I preached from the messianic prophecy found in Isaiah 9. It is entitled "A Great Light" and can be listened to or downloaded HERE .
Good stuff from Carl: The irony of the Christian Christmas is that the Christ child comes not because of any need of his own or any desire to fulfill a selfish or inwardly directed want; this child, the child in the manger, considers it not robbery to be equal with God and yet humbles himself by...
We may never know the extent of Kim Jong Il's brutality and madness. We know that he tortured and murdered his people on a massive scale. Il the atheist insisted on being worshipped as a god. He routinely threatened the world. All the while the "Dear Leader" lived in luxury enjoying fine wine and...
Try this challenging thought experiment from Doug Wilson.
Doug Wilson has written a moving but, thankfully, not sentimental memorial for Christopher Hitchens who died of cancer yesterday. G. K. Chesterton once pointed to the salutary effect that the great agnostics had on him—that effect being that of "arousing doubts deeper than their own." Christopher...
On Sunday I preached the final message in our series focusing on the Great Commission. It is entitled "Sustained By Grace" and can be listened to or downloaded HERE . * On Sunday January 8th, I will begin preaching through Philippians.
The following are books (not all published in 2011) that were either the most enjoyable or the most important books I read over the last 12 months. Theology / Biblical Studies: Historical Theology by Gregg Allison I have not read this book cover-to-cover. However, it is extremely helpful; a great "...
Carl Trueman on the challenge and privilege of preaching (especially at Christmas): The problem is not just metaphysical, not simply a question of how one can talk about infinite God entering finite human existence (`Our God contracted to a span, incomprehensibly made man', to use Wesley's...
Carl Trueman has posted some recomendations for Christmas reading: Gregory K. Beale, A Biblical Theology of the New Testament (Baker). Monumental work. My students know I have a thing about people who use `eschatological' every other sentence (the Reformed equivalent of quoting Bono among trendies...
Albert Mohler has written a thoughtful challenge for Christian men in light of the news swirling around Herman Cain. Mohler points out five lessons to be learned: 1. The Christian man must realize that credible accusations of sexual misconduct or immorality are fatal to credibility and ruinous to...
Sunday's sermon was part 7 in our series focusing on the Great Commission. It is entitled "How Disciples Are Made" and can be listened to or downloaded HERE .
"A revolution without a firing squads," Lenin is meant to have said, "is meaningless." He spent his career praising the Terror of the French Revolution because his Bolshevism was a unique creed, "a social system based on blood-letting." The Bolsheviks were atheists but they were hardly secular...
An illustration from Francis Schaeffer: If every little baby that was ever born anywhere in the world had a tape recorder hung about its neck, and if this tape recorder only recorded the moral judgments with which this child as he grew bound other men, the moral precepts might be much lower than...
Kevin DeYoung on " why we must be unapologetically theological ."