Posts by Todd Pruitt

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In recent years I have thought, read, prayed, preached, and talked a lot about the nature of the Gospel – its content and implications for life and ministry. One connection that is particularly moving and challenging to me is that between the Gospel and community. My experience in church is that...
Part 3 - "The God Who Speaks" Listen or Download HERE .
Doug Moo is one of our most outstanding New Testament scholars. He makes a convincing case for complementarianism from 1 Timothy 2:11-15. Read it HERE .
"In conjunction with the conference, we will be announcing the latest venture from Truth For Life. On May 11, 2009, we are making our archives of downloadable MP3 messages available for free. Let me encourage you to take immediate advantage of this and also to make it as widely known as you...
From an essay in the ESV Study Bible : SCRIPTURE READING IN PUBLIC WORSHIP The Bible, as holy Scripture, is the only certain source of God's words in the entire world. Paul's statement that "All Scripture is breathed out by God" (2 Tim. 3:16) means that all the words of the Bible are God's words to...
Al Mohler's newest book "The Disappearance of God" can be ordered HERE From the Publisher: For centuries the church has taught and guarded the core Christian beliefs that make up the essential foundations of the faith. But in our postmodern age, sloppy teaching and outright lies create rampant...
Read Michael Horton's article "Joel Osteen and the Glory Story" HERE .
Check out these excellent addresses by Michael Horton: Session #1: The Front Page God (MP3) Session #2: The Promise-Driven Life (MP3) Session #3: Feasting in a Fast Food Food World (MP3) Session #4: Question and Answer (MP3)
Part 3 - "Look to the Word" Ultimately, everyone knows that God is and yet because of sin this knowledge is distorted so that instead of being led into truth there is a falling away (Rom 1:18-25). Thankfully however God did not abandon the crown of His creation even though it was His right to do so...
Al Mohler has an interesting post on the modern rise of piracy off the coast of Africa. Peter Berger is one of the most authoritative voices in modern sociology. He understands better than most that the prophets of secularization were too hasty in writing religion off as a major force in the world...
Part 2 - "Our Goal, God's Glory" What a comfort it is to know that God is a Shepherd for His people (Ps 23). The image of God as Shepherd helps us to understand the care He takes in leading His flock. God knows exactly where He is going and He is committed to bringing His people along. Aimless...
Part 1 - "The Lord is My Shepherd" The question of guidance is an important one for God’s people. Over the years I have been asked more times than I can remember how one knows the will of God in a given circumstance. It is an important question for two reasons. First, it assumes correctly that God...
A.N. Wilson wrote an excellent article dealing with the challenges of Christian faith in an almost entirely secular culture. Wilson is a New Testament scholar who drifted away from faith in his thirties only to return again. This article and his story are worth reading. A story of a Jewish prophet...
Currently Church of the Saviour has a team ministering in Thailand. They are there primarily to train Christian workers how to use a Bible story tapestry which illustrates the biblical story from creation to fall to redemption to new creation. Very good stuff. Check out THIS BLOG for more...
Great post from Phil Johnson over at Pyromaniacs : One of the recurring figures of masculinity that John Eldredge keeps bringing up in Wild at Heart is Maximus from the movie Gladiator. A fantasy character! The subtitle of the book is Discovering the Secret of a Man's Soul. But here is the secret...
Today I attended a lecture by Greg Beale at Westminster Seminary. His subject was the inerrancy of Scripture. Specifically Dr. Beale effectively demonstrated the Scripture's self attestation to its inerrancy in John's Apocalypse. Inerrancy has been a very hot topic at WTS the last few years...
Wilco will be performing at Frawley Stadium in Wilmington, Delaware on July 10th. Their politics drive me crazy but I like their music.
"The gospel is the good news of all that God has done on behalf of sinners through the perfect life, atoning death, and victorious resurrection of Jesus. As individual Southern Baptists, we must be gospel-centered from first to last. Gospel-centered living will promote a grace-filled salvation from...
Benny Hinn wows Jan Crouch with his expertise in the Hebrew language.
Okay, sometimes Bono drives me a bit crazy. I have, however, appreciated most of U2's music going all the way back to "Boy" and "War". In Michael Assayas' book Bono the author records this interview with the famous singer and activist: Bono: You see, at the center of all religions is the idea of...
Tullian Tchividjian was kind to quote me in his latest book Unfashionable . Notice that at the time I was still serving as pastor of Metro East in Wichita. Here's the quote from page 100: One of the leading ways the church can testify to God's unifying power before our segregated world is to...
Adam Nagourney from the New York Times: WASHINGTON — It was only five years ago that opposition to gay marriage was so strong that Republicans explicitly turned to the issue as a way to energize conservative voters. Yet today, as the party contemplates the task of rebuilding itself, some...
From Denny Burk's blog : Lila Rose is a 20-year old college student at UCLA. She has the voice of a 14-year old, but she has an ingenious plan to expose Planned Parenthood’s serial abuse of vulnerable young girls who are pregnant. Rose produces undercover videos in which she poses as an underage...
As mentioned in an earlier post, the latest issue of Themelios is out. Of particular interest to regular readers of this blog may be the review by Robert Yarbrough of four new books on the Bible. One of the books that Dr. Yarbrough reviews is God's Word in Human Words by Kenton Sparks of Eastern...
Dr. Danny Akin of Southeastern Baptist Seminary recently delivered an important message entitled "Axioms of a Great Commission Resurgence." Listen to it HERE .
The latest issue of Themelios is now available free online. Themelios is an outstanding journal dedicated to biblical and theological studies and is edited by Carl Trueman of Westminster Theological Seminary and D.A. Carson of Trinity Evangelical. I commend it to your reading.
Perhaps we need to value cynicism a bit more. Okay, maybe I'm overstating just a bit in order to make a point. But anytime we invest a politician (any politician) with messianic qualities then we are headed down a very dangerous road. The portrait above is by Michael D'Antuono and is entitled "The...
You can listen to or download the first message in the Hebrews series "Shadows and Substance" by clicking HERE .
Listen to or watch the main session from the Gospel Coalition by clicking HERE . The messages which were particularly helpful for me were those of Tim Keller, Phil Ryken, Ligon Duncan, and Don Carson.
Tominthebox is a parody blog that posts on subjects that relate to contemporary Christianity. This post was so close to the truth that I wondered for a moment if it was truly a parody.
When asked by Christianity Today how he would present the gospel on Twitter Rob Bell said that the Gospel is too big to present on Twitter's limited character space. But Bell then offers this definition of the Gospel: I would say that history is headed somewhere. The thousands of little ways in...
If the old Yankee Stadium was the house that Ruth built then perhaps the new and spectacular Yankee Stadium will be the house that Joel Osteen built. That's right. Joel Osteen will be "preaching" at the new Yankee Stadium. Considering that he is fast becoming the most popular preacher in the...
One of the highlights of the National Conference was Ligon Duncan's message on Thursday morning. It is an exposition of 2 Timothy 4. I encourage you to listen to it HERE . At one point Duncan quoted from Spurgeon's sermon on 2 Timothy 4:13 where Paul asks Timothy to "bring the books and especially...
Flying is not exactly my favorite thing to do so I drove to Chicago for the Gospel Coalition Conference. I like road trips because they give me a chance to listen to a lot of good stuff. This trip I have been enjoying a class by Carl Trueman on The Person and Work of Christ. Trueman is an excellent...
In the opening address of the Gospel Coalition's National Conference Tim Keller made reference to the 17th century Puritan David Clarkson's sermon "Soul Idolatry Excludes Men Out of Heaven." It is worth your reading... David Clarkson (1621-1686) "You can be sure that no immoral, impure, or covetous...
Between sessions I had a chance to speak to Matt Schmucker the executive director of Nine Marks Ministries . Nine Marks made a huge impact on my life when I was a new pastor in Wichita, Kansas. When I found them (around 2000 or 2001) they were a fairly new ministry. I was excited because in Nine...
Tim Keller's opening session was quite good. His text was Acts 19:23ff. Keller is particularly good at teasing out the contemporary implications of the biblical text. In this particular passage he pays careful attention to Paul's interaction with the idols in Ephesus. From there Keller challenged...
Below are some clips from Paul Tripp's teaching series on marriage: "What Did You Expect?" Paul presented this series at Metro East Baptist in Wichita not long before I departed for Philadelphia. It was outstanding. You can order the DVD's or audio CD's from Westminster Bookstore.
There will be live streaming video posted HERE of the Gospel Coalition National Conference.
You can download or listen to this week's sermon, "Identified with Christ" by clicking HERE .
Carl Trueman of Westminster Seminary reflects on Time Magazine naming "the new Calvinism" as one of the ten things shaping our culture today: Some months ago, I wrote a short piece for the e-zine, Reformation 21 , about the tendency of Reformed Christians over the last twenty or so years to be...
I am excited about a number of rappers who are writing some seriously good lyrics. Who would have thought that we would see rap that is grounded in Scripture and influenced by the great Reformers? Good stuff.
‘This is that mystery which is rich in divine grace to sinners: wherein by a wonderful exchange our sins are no longer ours but Christ’s: and the righteousness of Christ not Christ’s but ours. He has emptied himself of his righteousness that he might clothe us with it, and fill us with it: and he...
"The penal substitution model has been criticized for depicting a kind Son placating a fierce Father in order to make him love man, which he did not do before. The criticism is, however, inept, for penal substitution is a Trinitarian model, for which the motivational unity of Father and Son is...
I'm looking forward to the Gospel Coalition's 2009 National Conference. Check out the details HERE .
Ben Witherington has been interacting with Bart Ehrman's latest - Jesus Interrupted . Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Paul Tripp's excellent series on marriage, "What Did You Expect?" is now available in DVD and audio CD's . Highly recommended!
I am continuing my reading of Ancient Word, Changing Worlds by Nichols and Brandt. As chapter one continues there is mention of J. Gresham Machen, a champion of inerrancy and Harry Emerson Fosdick whose views boldly diverged from biblical orthodoxy. Fosdick's famous sermon, "Shall the...
It would probably be a good idea to know how the federal government spends our tax dollars. Click HERE to find out more.
Great stuff on how to treat each other from John Piper: Six Biblical Guidelines for Loving Each Other Amid Differences 1. Let’s avoid gossiping. 2. Let’s identify evidences of grace in each other and speak them to each other and about each other. 3. Let’s speak criticism directly to each other if...