Posts by Todd Pruitt

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I found this link to a chapter from Richard Phillip's newest book over at Monergism . Check it out. For those of us who grew up not hearing much about the sovereignty of God it was truly a spiritual revolution to discover the time and attention that the Bible gives to this attribute. What a comfort...
There are four principles that guide Metro East as preparations are made for our corporate worship gatherings: 1. Worship must be guided by God’s Word. “The Bible provides us with God’s directions for the form and content of Christian worship" (Duncan, 57). God never encourages us to worship Him in...
Al Mohler has written a helpful article for Tabletalk on the role that churches should play in training pastors. Sadly this is not a vision that many churches have embraced. I Found this posted at Steve Camp's blog. This is hitting the news ever so slowly. I have seen Fox News report on it but other than that it seems pretty quiet out there. Hmmmm.
The discouraging statistics regarding young people who leave the church after high school say more about the family, I believe, than about the church. I do think that entertainment/event driven youth ministry ultimately fails in its stated purpose. But, in the end, parents, particularly fathers...
How we worship is not unimportant. It matters to God how His people worship Him. We are not welcome to bring to God whatever we please so long as our "hearts are in the right place." There are reasons behind the approach that Metro East takes to corporate worship. In a chapter he wrote for "Give...
The SBC's Annual Church Profile (ACP) for 2007 should remove all doubt: The Southern Baptist Convention is in decline. Tom Ascol has posted on this today . I would like to know if anyone would dare to speculate on why the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) is one of the fastest growing...
Justin Taylor has posted a letter that J.I. Packer and several of his fellow Anglican ministers sent to Bishop Michael Ingham. The bishop threatened to strip Packer and the others of their ordination. The reason, of course, is that these men are evangelical, that is they believe the Bible to truly...
Check out this interview with Iain Murray from the Nine Marks Ministries interview series. Mr. Murray is one of my favorite writers. He is also one of the founders of one the most important evangelical publishing houses . In particular I have benefited greatly from his books: The Forgotten Spurgeon... This may be the best thing ever captured on film.
The Seven Pillars is a tool that Metro East uses to help keep us faithful to those things that are most important to our identity as the Body of Christ. The first of the Seven Pillars is worship. The statement reads: Honor God with biblical and excellent worship that engages both mind and...
This story from Baptist Press shines a little light on Brian McLaren's slippery style of communication. He wants to deny the biblical doctrines of the Christian faith but he usually only has the courage to make ourtright denials in his books and even there he is a bit coy. I am sad that he is...
This post written by Noel Piper for really made me ask some questions about my lifestyle and the way that most of us American Christians choose to live. How much financial and chronological margin do we have in our lives? Do we have enough so that we are able to give of ourselves...
"The inscripturated word centers its attention on Jesus Christ. He is the seed of the woman who will crush the serpent's head. He is the ark to rescue the people of God. He is the holy Angel of Yahweh. He is the seed of Abraham in whom all the families of the earth will be blessed. He is the...
Tom Ascol has posted some important thoughts on pastor Steve Gaines recent chapel message at Criswell College. Caricature is the playground of the dishonest, intellectually lazy or both. Brothers in Christ ought to have the decency to not misrepresent the beliefs of others.
Timmy Brister has written an excellent response to Nathan Finn's question, "What are the most pressing issues facing Southern Baptists?" Incidentally, I provide links to both of these gentlemen's blogs.
Here is an interesting article from on Mark Dever's address at T4G.
If you are in the market for a study Bible then this is one you should check out. Also, the Reformation Study Bible and Literary Study Bible are outstanding!
We are back from Together For The Gospel. What a great conference! In addition to the wonderful addresses I enjoyed very much the fellowship of the other MEBC pastors. It was great to fellowship with former college mates and former youth pastor buddies. I will be adding some further comments on the...
Ligon Duncan, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Jackson, MS was the conference's first speaker. The topic of his address was "Sound Doctrine: Essential to Faithful Pastoral Ministry." This was an important message given the fact that the necessity of doctrinal precision is always under...
It has been a non-stop day and I am too tired to adequately post on the messages that were delivered this evening. I will try to do them some justice tomorrow. However, I will say that it has been encouraging to be among 5,000 men who differ in some secondary matters but are fully committed to the...
Here are some video clips of some of the messages from the first T4G conference in 2006. Enjoy!
The MEBC pastoral staff will be attending the Together For The Gospel conference in Louisville this week. I am so thankful to pastor a church that makes such trips possible. I am looking forward to being challenged and refreshed through great messages. My plan is to blog each day on the sessions...
Great article by Paul Tripp from "By Faith" which is an online magazine from the PCA. It's a great resource. If you would like to read more there is a link under the "Bible and Theology" section of this blog.
Take time to listen to this edition of the Al Mohler program. Dr. Mohler discusses the phenominally successful novel "The Shack."
Bob Kauflin posts these thoughts over at "Worship Matters" concerning the singing of "Shout To The Lord" on American Idol.
John Piper has some good thoughts on preaching as "concept creation".
What made the marriage conference with Paul Tripp so helpful (and different) was its Bible-centeredness. Sadly, much of the marriage resources produced for Christians is technique driven. The result is that husbands and wives are told what they must do for their spouse in order to get what they...
Craig Blomberg has written a helpful review of Timothy Paul Jones' fine book "Misquoting Truth." Ehrman gets a lot of press and sells a lot of books for challenging the reliability of the Bible. There is a chance that you have a neighbor or co-worker who has been misled. "Misquoting Truth" is a...
Proving once again that there is not a third-world thug, communist dictator, or Islamic terrorist that he will not lend credibility, Jimmy Carter has scheduled a meeting with a Hammas leader in Syria. Read more about it.
Great audio from the Twin Lakes Fellowship. Definitely check out the sermon by Derek Thomas (one of my favorite preachers) and the address on public prayer by Terry Johnson.
Darrel Bock has written a very good article that helps correct the error that there was no functioning Christian orthodoxy during the early years of Christianity. This error often becomes the occasion for a kind of doctrinal ambivalence which separates the ethical teachings of Jesus from the...
As I have written in a previous post, the marriage seminar with Paul Tripp was outstanding. Having been familiar with Tripp’s writings and teaching, I was confident that what we would receive would be refreshingly biblical. I say “refreshingly” biblical because much of what it taught and written...
What a great weekend we had at Metro East! God used Paul Tripp to bless us deeply. I will have more to say about the content of the weekend later on but for now take advantage of Dr. Tripp's Sunday evening preaching at Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia. You will find a link to his preaching...
It looks like Mr. Ehrman is biting off more than he can chew. Dr. Wallace is not among the legion of gullible readers that take in Ehrman's attacks on God and His Word. Old Heresy, New Faces
Kim Riddlebarger on the opening question of the Heidelberg Catechism: "What is your only comfort in life and in death?" In addition to being an encouraging theological reflection, this article will help the reader apprectiate the wisdom of sound catechetical training.
Greg Gilbert over at "Church Matters" has written a very good piece on voting in the church. He gives sound advice about the kinds of decisions that must be delegated by the congregation in order to keep the church from being bogged down and divided over petty issues.
Some interesting thoughts from Brent Thomas on Christian music and why so much junk is peddled under that banner.
Great links on amillenialism.
Check out this post by Kim Riddlebarger. He makes an excellent case for "amillenialsim." Actually, amillenialism is a poor name because it implies that those who hold to the historic doctrine do not believe in Christ's reign. Clearly, this is not true. However, it is a clear departure from what has...
With his latest comments Barack Obama has once again shown himself to be a true extremist when it comes to abortion. Check out this article by Michael Gerson entitled "Obama's Abortion Extremism."
This video and commentary was posted by Thabiti over at "Pure Church." What saddens me most in all this is the number of nice "Christian" people who drink down this pleasant poison.
Biblical exposition teaches biblical theology Biblical theology is that branch of theological study which focuses on God’s progressive revelation through biblical history. As a discipline, Biblical Theology is vital for its focus on the big picture of the Bible. It guards the Christian from...
This post from Tom Ascol made me laugh.