Posts by Todd Pruitt

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Now that Kevin DeYoung has weighed in quite effectively on the most recent flap over the justification/sanctification debate I suppose any words from me would be superfluous. However, I am a preacher so silence is not an option. But given DeYoung's excellent post I have greatly altered what I had...
Over at Ref21 , I have posted part four in my series on battered pastors. In this latest post I offer the first three of seven exhortations for battered pastors. All people experience hurt at the hands of others. But we are all also, without exception, the source of hurt. We are all simultaneously...
All people experience hurt at the hands of others. But we are all also, without exception, the source of hurt. We are all simultaneously receivers and inflictors of pain. This is true of pastors. What pastor believes that he can somehow be insulated from the sorts of pain we inflict upon each other...
Mother's Day is coming up. How about you get mom a good book? Often times when we buy books for women we buy "women's books." Don't misunderstand there are a lot of terrific books written specifically for women. In fact, there are few on my list as you will see. But there are also books on doctrine...
Racism is sin. It is a denial of the dignity of all peoples as image-bearers of God. Racism is antithetical to the character of God, to the gospel, and to the mission of the church which anticipates the day when men and women from every nation and race will gather before the throne of the Lamb. On...
In which I throw in my two cents about the selective outrage over a jerk and his sin.
Mother's Day is coming up. How about you get mom a good book? Often times when we buy books for women we buy "women's books." Don't misunderstand there are a lot of terrific books written specifically for women. In fact, there are few on my list as you will see. But there are also books on doctrine...
Great stuff from Mike Reeves on the necessity of the doctrine of the Trinity for a proper understanding of the Gospel... // A TRINITARIAN GOSPEL from Evangelical Alliance on Vimeo . Check out Mike's outstanding book Delighting In The Trinity ...
A valuable discussion between Carl Trueman, Peter Leithart, and Fred Sanders. [youtube]
The latest Mortification of Spin is up and running. Back in their secret underground bunker, the spin team phone up David Wells to discuss his body of work and his huge contributions to modern Christianity. As a turncoat, a self-described "African-American," David has a unique experience and...
The following is the video of the discussion between Trueman, Leithart, and Sanders at Biola University...
Over at Ref21 Paul Levy and I have been having a bit of back and forth about how to measure ministry. Should a minister be judged strictly on the basis of faithfulness? Or, should a minister be judged on the basis of the fruitfulness of his ministry? You can check it out HERE , HERE , HERE , and...
On Sunday I preached part 10 of our series through Acts. It is entitled "How to Pray Under Persecution" and is taken from Acts 4:23-31. You can listen to it HERE .
Actually, I was sort of hoping Paul and I would disagree so sharply that a series of angry and increasingly sarcastic posts would follow, thus upping our readership. Alas, it does not appear that such a deep disagreement has occurred. But there is always time my friends. I am not quite as sanguine...
I was a little puzzled by Paul Levy's gentle disagreement with Rick Phillip's strong disagreement with Tim Keller's assertion that our ministries ought to be measured by their fruitfulness. I think I understand why Paul is not interested in the old school/new school divide within the American...
// Beat Porn By Enjoying Jesus More from Desiring God on Vimeo ...
Perhaps you have noticed the near tidal wave of articles, books, and blog posts reaffirming what the Bible says about sexual ethics, particularly homosexuality. "What is this pre-occupation with homosexuality?" you may be wondering. What is with all these responses is that they are just that:...
The latest edition of Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit is up and running. In this episode we discuss the Heaven Is For Real phenomenon. If you are looking to be inspired the Mortification of Spin team is on task to speak to your mind. In light of the release of “Heaven is For Real” last week,...
You can find audio of my brief message on Good Friday and Easter sermon ("The Tomb is Empty") HERE .
David Murray has written a great little post entitled "Body Theology for Teens." Parents, this would be a helpful discussion starter with your children. Here is a sample: 5. Protect: As the believer’s body is the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 6:19), you should care for it better than you would...
David Murray has written a great little post entitled "Body Theology for Teens." Parents, this would be a helpful discussion starter with your children. Here is a sample: 5. Protect: As the believer's body is the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 6:19), you should care for it better than you would...
Sad news from North Carolina. Robert McKeehan, Senior Pastor of Community Bible Church in High Point committed suicide last week . The 42-year-old pastor leaves behind a wife and two young children. Some are noticing what may be a frightening trend of pastors taking their own lives. Marty Duren has...
The new Credo is online and man, is it good. Check it out HERE .
I don't know Kevin DeYoung. As far as I know I don't owe him any money. I'm not writing a book so I'm not expecting him to give me a cover blurb. I have never received a free copy of any of Kevin's books. I have never been to Michigan. I think I have covered all my bases. With a clear conscience...
Andy Stanley has a problem with religion. The pastor of North Point Community Church in Atlanta (one the nation's largest) has been preaching against religion. Over at Juicy Ecumenism , Alexander Griswold offers some helpful responses to a recent sermon by Stanley entitled "Putting Religion in its...
I recently posted at Ref21 a list of excellent reading options for Holy Week (or any week). Check it out HERE .
The latest Mortification of Spin is up and running. After taking care of the official business of making Aimee "one of the guys," the hosts get into a discussion of Easter and its celebration in churches. Is Easter a pagan holiday? It is necessary for pastors to preach the resurrection, so its...
Recently David Murray's HeadHeartHand Media produced 5 videos each telling the story of a Christian who knows what it is to struggle with depression. Murray is the author of Christians Get Depressed Too which I highly recommend. He demonstrates a thorough grasp of the various Christian approaches...
On Palm Sunday I preached a message from Matthew 21:1-17. It is entitled "The King We Need" and can be listened to HERE .
From Glory to Golgotha by Donald MacLeod Scandalous:The Cross and Resurrection of Jesus by D.A. Carson Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came To Die by John Piper The Truth of the Cross by R.C. Sproul The Cross He Bore by Frederick Leahy The Message of the Cross by Derek Tidball
Unfortunately I was not able to attend this year's Together for the Gospel conference. I hated to miss out. Each year has been a blessing. After hearing a few of the messages now it is clear that this year's T4G was no exception. The messages are available HERE . I can tell you this much: You...
Unfortunately I was not able to attend this year's Together for the Gospel conference. I hated to miss out. Each year has been a blessing. After hearing a few of the messages now it is clear that this year's T4G was no exception. The messages are available HERE . I can tell you this much: You...
On Sunday I preached part 9 of our current series through Acts. It is entitled "Bold Discipleship" (4:1-22) and can be listened to HERE .
I found two articles this morning worth passing along here. While they are unrelated they nevertheless have something to say about the aesthetic that is evangelicalism. The first post by David Murray concerns forgiveness. Murray asks if we are obligated (indeed, is it even possible) to forgive...
Kermit Gosnell was not an aberration. He is the product of the culture of death that abortion and its supporters have created. Watch part one of the powerful and important documentary 3801 Lancaster : [youtube] The following is a trailer for part two: //...
It was kind of Tim Challies to link to the latest episode of Mortification of Spin . However, in his plug for the program he wrote: In this podcast Carl Trueman and the rest of his Mortification of Spin crew have a discussion about Sarah Young's mega-selling, mega-problematic Jesus Calling. "Carl...
I truly wish THIS was an April Fools joke but I fear they are actually serious. I know I just completely lost all hope of ever becoming an urban-gospel-hipster with this post. Alas...
Over at Ref21 I have posted part three of a series entitled "Battered Pastors." In this particular post I examine what happens when followers become toxic. Much ink has been spilt examining what happens when pastors fail to lead, lead poorly, or behave wickedly as leaders. So much has been made of...
In which I ask some questions of elders... Every organization has leaders and followers. While this structure is sometimes informal, normally it is a deliberate arrangement. Because of this, not everyone is or can be a leader. Organizations are as dependent upon good followers as they are upon good...
I am hoping this will be my final post on the subject of World Vision. But I wanted to mention just a few things I think we can learn from the recent broo-ha-ha . 1. Praise the Lord for repentance. I am truly grateful that Rich Stearns and the World Vision Board quickly responded to the outcry over...
On the latest edition of Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit , Carl, Aimee, and I take on the issue of marijuana use. It's worth listening to just to hear Carl pronounce marijuana and Aimee demonstrate her expertise in THC.
Timely words from J. Gresham Machen: Again, we are told that our theological differences will disappear is we will just get down on our knees together in prayer. Well, I can only say about that kind of prayer, which is indifferent to the question whether the gospel is true or false, that it is not...
Tim Challies has been writing a series of posts entitled "The False Teachers." They are quite good and important given the fact that the church increasingly seems to believe that the only heresy is believing that there is heresy. Today he has posted an article on Harry Emerson Fosdick, one of the...
After announcing that it would hire practicing homosexuals, World Vision released a statement today saying they have reversed that decision. The letter from Richard Stearns (President) and Jim Ber?? (Chairman of the World Vision U.S. Boar) reads in part: In our board's effort to unite around the...
Kevin DeYoung has written an excellent piece on the World Vision flap. If you have not been following the story, Richard Stearns, the president of World Vision announced that the Christian charitable organization has decided that homosexual sex (inside "marriage") is not sinful and that one can be...
By now you have heard that Richard Stearns, the president of World Vision announced that the Christian charitable organization has decided that homosexual sex (inside "marriage") is not sinful and that one can be a practicing homosexual and faithful follower of Jesus. For some reason, World Vision...
On Sunday I preached part 7 in our series through Acts. It is entitled A Sign of Things to Come and can be listened to HERE .
Sad news from Rich Stearns who announced that World Vision (the organization he serves as President) has now changed its hiring policy . The Christian charitable organization will now hire practicing homosexuals. What a tragic endorsement of that which destroys the bodies and souls of so many. In...