
On Our Bookshelves Every college professor, theologian, and pastor takes on a substantial load of book study in the daily performance of his duties. Most, however, enjoy a bit of leisure reading whenever possible, and our hard-working hosts are no exception. Today Jonathan and James discuss the...
Historians now generally regard the 1900's as "the American Century." What do you suppose they will call the twenty-first century? Possibly "the Biotech Century," as new scientific discoveries enable the radical re-engineering of the human body. [1] Some futurists hail the coming of a technological...
Jon D. Payne
It is the apex of foolishness for parents to allow their children to have free and unaccountable access to technology-- smart phones, tablets, iPods, computers, etc. Before I explain the reasons why I believe this, I want to make clear, in no uncertain terms, that I'm not a Luddite. I'm not against...
I am a child of the technological frontier--the brave new world of exciting potential and seemingly limitless possibility. I learned how to type on a typewriter; but, how to spell on a Speak&Spell . As a young boy, I played video games on Commodore 64 and Atari . It wasn't until I was about 12...
Just a few weeks ago, the Oculus Rift started shipping out its Kickstarter units . These virtual reality (VR) headsets have been anticipated for years, especially since Facebook bought the parent company in 2014 . At the risk of using a tired word, this new technology will likely become disruptive...
Garry Williams
How does the world get inside the church? The prince of this world is not modest in his schemes or unambitious in his aspirations: his attack on the Son of God reveals the insane over-reach of his pride. Sometimes he might use subtle and insidious means, but he is just as capable of attacking the...
Garry Williams
How does the world get inside the church? The prince of this world is not modest in his schemes or unambitious in his aspirations: his attack on the Son of God reveals the insane over-reach of his pride. Sometimes he might use subtle and insidious means, but he is just as capable of attacking the...
Michael Glodo
This is the first half of Mike Glodo's article, the second of which will come later in the week ~ Editor . Recently I was presented with a question about preaching. "Given that contemporary communication studies show that people learn better with a Q&A format, should we abandon the traditional...
Michael Glodo
This is the first half of Mike Glodo's article, the second of which will come later in the week ~ Editor . Recently I was presented with a question about preaching. "Given that contemporary communication studies show that people learn better with a Q&A format, should we abandon the traditional...
W. Bradford Littlejohn
Now as we conclude our series, we come at last to the vice of Pride, "the Great Sin" as C.S. Lewis calls it, and as the Christian tradition has consistently taught. It is both the first and the last of sins: the mother which gives birth to all the others, but which, when grown to its full stature,...