June Alliance Update

This month marks the 20th anniversary of James Boice's home-going. To honor his legacy, the Alliance is offering a free download of the audio The Life of Dr. James Montgomery Boice. In addition, we are offering his last three books at a special bundled rate, and more. Visit ReformedResources.org to find out more.
Also available at Reformed Resources is the audio from the 2020 Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology, Revelation: The Sovereign Reign of the Exalted Christ.
If you choose to become a Friend in June—one of our monthly supporters—you will receive Dr. Boice's new commentary on Revelation, Seven Churches, Four Horsemen, One Lord, and the 2020 PCRT audio along with your other Friend benefits. Visit our Friends information page for more information.
Each week the Alliance is pleased to offer free resources as an encouragement for the Church to use and share with family and friends. Subscribe to our weekly emails to have the Alliance Resources for Today's Issues delivered to your inbox.