Seen and Heard

Seen and Heard

Alliance Executive Director Bob Brady shares news from the Alliance in April This year is the 25th anniversary of the Cambridge Declaration and our annual report shares some of the history of that important document. Order a copy of the annual report or download a copy to read immediately. You can...
The Alliance is pleased to announce two new staff positions: Editorial Assistant Rosemary Perkins and Community Engagement Coordinator Grant Van Leuven. As editorial assistant, Rosemary will transcribe radio sermon scans from The Bible Study Hour for online daily devotional posts at...
Registration is now open for the Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology in Grand Rapids. Find out more about the PCRT, The Bible Study Hour, and more as Mark Daniels gives an update on what is happening this month at the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. Subscribe to Theology on the Go...
What's on your reading list for 2021? Have you considered Calvin? The significance of Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion is hard to overstate. Consider what J.I. Packer once wrote in his foreword to A Theological Guide to Calvin's Institutes : "Great theology, like the Bible in which all...
Mark Daniels gives an update on what is happening at the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals during the month of December. Download the December Member Update Download the Alliance Apps Visit Reformed Resources Share with your unsaved family and friends Please support the...
"The doctrines of grace together point to one central truth: salvation is all of grace because it is all of God, it is all for his glory." —James Boice The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals delivers the truths of the doctrines of grace to the Church around the globe through in-person training and...
Bob Brady gives an update on what is happening this month at the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. This information and more can be found on the November Member Update . Featured Resource this month at is What Happens When We Worship by Jonathan Landry Cruse Also new this...
Two streams have formed Evangelicals—the ecumenical creeds from early church councils and the Protestant reformation. In this video, James Boice discusses evangelical history and the Five Solas . The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals was formed to proclaim the doctrines of the Protestant...
Events, Reformed resources, and more. Mark Daniels gives an update on what is happening at the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. Sign up for Reformation Sunday Watch When the Stars Disappear , the latest seminar from the Gap Center for Biblical Studies Find out more about the upcoming Quakertown...
Will your church be hosting a Reformation Sunday service in October? The Alliance would like to help promote your event to our members! Visit and sign-up to be a part of the Reformation Sunday promotion. Your service will be posted on the Reformation Sunday event listing and...