Book Review

In her book, The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert , [1] Dr. Rosaria Butterfield compares her Christian conversion experience to "an alien abduction or a train wreck." As she shares about her very public Christian "coming out" while a tenured university English professor specializing in "Queer...
Peter Opitz, ed., The Myth of the Reformation , vol. 9, Refo500 Academic Studies (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck...
Robert Kolb, Irene Dingel, and L’ubomir Batka, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Martin Luther’s Theology (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014). 662pp. Hardcover. M artin Luther is one of the most influential figures in world history in the past five hundred years. This is true in the West, even where...
Charles Hodge’s magnum opus was his three volume Systematic Theology originally published from 1871-1873. Since then it has influenced several generations of American Christians and remains in print today. While a product of its time and not without its own weaknesses, it is still worth having on...
Mark McDowell
David Gibson and Jonathan Gibson, eds. From Heaven He Came and Sought Her: Definite Atonement in Historical, Biblical, Theological, and Pastoral Perspective . Wheaton: Crossway, 2013. Shelf Life Editor's Note: This week we offer something slightly new. Tom McCall (Trinity Evangelical Divinity...
Mark McDowell
David Gibson and Jonathan Gibson, eds. From Heaven He Came and Sought Her: Definite Atonement in Historical, Biblical, Theological, and Pastoral Perspective . Wheaton: Crossway, 2013. Shelf Life Editor's Note: This week we offer something slightly new. Tom McCall (Trinity Evangelical Divinity...
Gerald Bray
Frances Young, God's Presence: A contemporary recapitulation of early Christianity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013, xiv + 474 pp., pb $29.99/£16.99 In 2011 Frances Young delivered a series of eight Bampton Lectures in the University of Oxford which, by all accounts, were well-received...
John Frame. Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Christian Belief . Phillipsburg: P&R Publishing, 2013. $49.99/£39.99 John Frame has managed to write a systematic theology (1280 pages). This is an extraordinary achievement when one considers that he has already written several significant...
Robert J. Cara
Stephen Westerholm. Justification Reconsidered: Rethinking a Pauline Theme . Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2013. pp. viii + 104. $15.00, paperback. Stephen Westerholm, professor at McMaster University, has long been known in critical scholarship for upholding the "Lutheran" Paul (his term) against all...
Brian S. Rosner, Paul and the Law: Keeping the Commandments of God . NSBT 31; Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity, 2013, 249 pp. $24.00./£15.00 The apostle Peter famously said that "in all [Paul's] letters ... there are some things ... that are hard to understand" (2 Pet 3:16). These words can hardly...