
During the Christmas season, we rightly focus our attention on the marvel of the incarnation of the eternal Son of God; then, we lag into the final days of the year with regrets about the many ways we failed to be the kind of person we set out to be at the beginning of the year. We reformulate...
The early disciples gave evidence of the concept of Christ as the target of the Old Testament; but, should we read the Old Testament like they did? That is an ever pressing hermeneutical question. I want to suggest that the answer is a resounding "yes!" Consider John 2:13-22 as a case study: "The...
I recently wasted four of five minutes of my life watching a clip of a segment of a sermon by a well known mega-church preacher. Over the past five years, this individual has reinvented his preaching style. Once a more relaxed speaker, he now effectively works the crowd over with high energy, moral...
Tom Breeden
Vern S. Poythress, Theophany: A Biblical Theology of God's Appearing , Crossway, 2018. 463pp. Paperback., $40.00 Introduction "Why read a four-hundred-page book about theophanies?" That question has come up more than once in conversation lately. Some inquirers are not quite so bold; they just give...
Tom Breeden
Vern S. Poythress, Theophany: A Biblical Theology of God's Appearing , Crossway, 2018. 463pp. Paperback., $40.00 Introduction "Why read a four-hundred-page book about theophanies?" That question has come up more than once in conversation lately. Some inquirers are not quite so bold; they just give...
Tom Breeden
Vern S. Poythress, Theophany: A Biblical Theology of God's Appearing , Crossway, 2018. 463pp. Paperback., $40.00 Introduction "Why read a four-hundred-page book about theophanies?" That question has come up more than once in conversation lately. Some inquirers are not quite so bold; they just give...
Derek Rishmawy
I have been, and in many respects always will be, a fan and student of William Lane Craig. Any kid who was into apologetics and contemporary philosophy of religion had to be. That said, like others, I've recently had to come to grips with some of the odder aspects of his theology proper and...
Recently, it has come to light that William Lane Craig, professor of philosophy at Talbot School of Theology, propagates an unorthodox view of Christology. Craig has explicitly stated that "the soul of the human nature of Christ is the second person of the Trinity, the Logos. The human nature of...
It is one thing to have a sound theory of preaching; it is another thing to stand behind a pulpit twice a week. Theory can easily fall apart when we meet instances in which we are not sure how to the biblical model of preaching. This is true both when preaching biblical books that do not appear to...
When a man and a woman are engaged to be married they can hardly talk about anything else. In fact, we might suspect that something is wrong if they don't express excitement about the wedding. The church is espoused to Christ and looks forward to the marriage supper of the Lamb (Rev. 19:6-9)...