Christ the Center

You and I make choices all day long—what we will eat, what we will wear, what we will seek to accomplish, who we will befriend, how we will serve our neighbor, and what route we will take home. Many of the choices we make our relatively insignificant. But there’s one choice we make that matters for...
The topic of civil government is complicated; not so much because of what the Bible says about it but because of our disparate political opinions and experiences. The civic convictions of Christians seem to depend on which party is presently in office. When our party is in control we have a more...
Glorification is the great hope of every believer in Christ. We who have been saved, who are now being sanctified and made into the image of Jesus, eagerly anticipate the day when the sanctifying process will be completed, and we will be glorified. In one sense, Christians really can’t even begin...
For many of us, the fall signals a new and busy season of ministry. This is often an exciting time, but if we’re not careful, we will be so busy that we will forget what is most important. We will be tempted, after experiencing God’s greatness, goodness, and grace, to not stop and celebrate it in...
Old Testament Use of Old Testament - Part 2 Jonathan Master and James Dolezal are beginning the new year with one of their favorite chats of 2021! So, Gary Schnittjer returns this week to conclude a fascinating and vital conversation about his book Old Testament Use of Old Testament . Released just...
As a mother of four children I well remember many nights that were anything but silent. The cries of a newborn suddenly awakened by pangs of hunger. The moans of a sick child who needed another dose of acetaminophen. More recently, the voices of teenagers telling me about their day when they arrive...
Chief Scottish Man Jonathan's and James' special guest is a friend with whom they share good memories. Sandy Finlayson is library director and professor of Theological Bibliography at Westminster Theological Seminary and the author of Chief Scottish Man: The Life and Ministry of Thomas Chalmers ...
I enjoy good children’s books, and not just to read to my children, but because they can be beautiful, fun, and moving. Oh the Places You’ll Go by Dr. Seuss is one of my favorites. It contains a page halfway through that is dedicated to the Waiting Place, drawn in dreary shades of grey, blue, and...
Nothing tears at the inner fabric of our humanity more than ruptured relationships. Whether it be the heart of a family ripped apart through divorce, or rebellious children, a church fellowship shredded by conflict, or all the other levels and layers of human relationships that are the perpetual...
As a pastor, I am for unity. It is part and parcel of the fabric of what it means to be a Christian. I am united to Christ by virtue of the Spirit of unity indwelling me. The Apostle Paul clearly enjoins every believer to be “eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bound of peace. There is...