
The leader of a major campus ministry recently said "If forty people approach a campus minister with an objection to Christianity, one worries about Bart Ehrman and his attacks on the authority and reliability of Scripture. The other thirty-nine have moral questions: Why does the Bible have a...
As you may know, our friends at Reformation Heritage Books are currently typesetting, editing, and re-publishing the The Works of William Perkins . Thanks to them, we have one (1) hardcover set and one (1) ebook set of the first 4 volumes to give away. If you are in the U.S. , enter here for the...
Thanks to the leadership of Dr. Joel Beeke, the name of William Perkins (1558-1602) is becoming known again. The first two video addresses from the recent conference on Perkins are now available online (with several more to follow here ): "A Plain Preacher" by Sinclair Ferguson "William Perkins'...
W alking you through everything that John Owen (1616-1683) wrote would take considerable space. Instead, as I continue my series on helping you read his writings (see part 1 ), I will recommend a few of my favorite books by him, explaining why they are my favorites. This list is somewhat subjective...
J ohn Owen is ranked not only among the most significant Puritan theologians, but also among Reformed theologians generally in the seventeenth-century. He is one of the greatest Reformed thinkers of all time and he always ministers to both our hearts and minds. However, it is also well-known that...
Exuberant over an experience, an oh-so-sweet manifestation of divine providence, you delightedly seek to give God praise in telling your story. “It was such a ‘God thing’,” you proclaim. As you see it, God wove together an otherwise inexplicable combination of events to deliver a wonderful—even...
I f I could have $5 for every time someone has asked me the question, “Who is your favourite Puritan to read?,” I suppose I’d be a wealthy man by now. Though I would probably answer that question today by saying, “Anthony Burgess—and he’s also one of the most neglected!,” for nearly two decades I...
I have referred to the puritan John Ball in a number of posts thus far. He is not exactly a household name, even within the relatively small Reformed world. Mention the term puritan and the names William Perkins, Richard Baxter, John Owen, James Ussher, and John Bunyan come to mind, not John Ball...
A while back while teaching a mid-week series on the life and work of Thomas Manton, I came across the following quote from Charles Haddon Spurgeon about Thomas Manton. It comes from the "Preface" to Illustrations and Meditations, or, Flowers From a Puritan's Garden, Distilled and Dispensed (London...
This past year we got news that our eight-year-old daughter had a spinal tumor. She was having back pain and the specialist ordered an MRI just to make sure that everything was OK. It wasn’t. I walked with the doctor into the hallway. “Based on your experience,” I asked, “Do you think this is...