Posts by Todd Pruitt

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My Review of Carl Trueman's Histories and Fallacies has now been posted at TGC Reviews . Histories and Fallacies is a different kind of book for Carl Trueman. He is accustomed to writing history, not about how history ought to be written. In a rather candid moment Trueman admits that his view of...
There's a fascinating, albeit not surprising article posted at Touchstone concerning the importance of fathers regarding the Christian commitment of their children. In short, if a father does not go to church, no matter how faithful his wife’s devotions, only one child in 50 will become a regular...
Kim Riddlebarger was featured on Issues Etc to discuss Harold Camping's exotic approach to interpreting the Bible in light of his prediction that Jesus will rapture the church on May 21, 2o11. Take a listen HERE (scroll down to the episode on Camping).
Knowing God by J.I. Packer What else can be said about Knowing God that has not already been said? It is number one on my list of books I wish every church member would read. Of the books written over the last 100 years none have had such a profound impact on my understanding of and desire to know...
Colin Marshall has written a helpful article for The Briefing . There is far more ministry that can happen "in the pew" than we often think. Once we make the attitude shift from being passive pew sitters and receivers to active workers and givers, there is no end to the difference we can make to...
Westminster Bookstore is having a 50% off sale on outstanding children's books.
From Fred Zaspel's wonderful new work, The Theology of B.B. Warfield : For nearly a century before Warfield arrived on its faculty, Princeton Seminary had stood out as the scholarly bastion of the historic Reformed faith. And due in large measure to the towering influence of Old Princeton, much of...
Roger Nicole died on Friday. He will be missed. Justin Taylor has written an outstanding remembrance of Dr. Nicole. Recommended: The Glory of the Atonement (essays in honor of Roger Nicole) Our Sovereign Saviour Standing Forth
In November Southern Theological Seminary hosted Alistair Begg for a series of messages on preaching the gospel. Preaching the Gospel from Ecclesiastes Preaching the Gospel from Acts Preaching the Gospel from Revelation
The latest issue of Themelios (always worth reading) is now available online and pdf . Contents: 1.D. A. Carson Editorial: Contrarian Reflections on Individualism 2.Carl Trueman Minority Report: Terrible Beauty, Beauty, and the Plain Terrible 3.Daniel J. Estes Fiction and Truth in the Old Testament...
Philip Yancey will be the keynote speaker for an event hosted by the "Gay Christian Network" ( gcn ).
This week's sermon was part 49 in our series through Hebrews. It is entitled "The Advantage of Having Joyful Leaders" and is taken from Hebrews 13:17-19. You can listen to or download it HERE .
Westminster Bookstore is offering this wonderful set at 50% off. This is a great series of books. Highly recommended.
As many of you know, Harold Camping is at it again. This time he predicts that Jesus will return in May of 2011. It's not hard to dismiss Camping as a bit of a nut. But let us not think that he is unintelligent. He also has followers who are true believers. Some of them invade our church parking...
Have you ever encountered someone who says something like, "The God of the Old Testament seems cruel. He's not at all like Jesus"? It is not an uncommon error. There are so-called evangelical Bible scholars who insist that the God of the Old Testament is not the God of the New Testament. I have had...
How we read and interpret the Bible matters. I know that sounds obvious but it would be hard to estimate the number of serious doctrinal errors that are born from rather simple errors in interpreting the biblical text. I think about the prosperity teaching which is bound up (among other things) in...
Very interesting discussion over at the Gospel Coalition on the role (if any) of unbelievers in the public worship of the church. Your thoughts?
I like the Gospel Coalition . I have attended their national conference. I review books for the website. But this morning's post at their site by Kristen Scharold left me scratching my head. Several words went through my mind: silly? goofy? whinning? Carl Trueman answers the post HERE .
The message on Sunday was part 48 in our series through Hebrews. It is entitled "Seeking What is Yet to Come" and is taken from Hebrews 13:14-16. You can listen to or download the sermon HERE .
Westminster Bookstore is running a special on ESV Study Bibles - 45% off through December 3rd. * Actually, the sale Westminster Bookstore is on ALL ESV Bibles. Be sure to check it out...
We've all seen it. A wide-receiver or running back speeds his way into the end zone and immediately kneels in prayer or raises his finger to the heavens acknowledging God's role in improving said football players stats. The theology behind such antics is quite simple: 1. God wants to bless you with...
Doug Wilson has weighed in on the justification debate at this year's meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS). Wilson makes some important points that I have been wondering about. Not least of Wilson's concerns is Wrights recent remarks about his lack of knowledge concerning the...
If you have not yet read When Helping Hurts then you ought to. I would suggest it as a manual for churches that are seeking to help alleviate the suffering of the poor. Sentimental actions certainly make us feel better but some of our cherished programs actually do more harm than good. So the...
It is a common mark of conservative American Evangelicalism that the Scriptures are held in high esteem theoretically but held in what may be described as disdain practically. A quick search of the sermon audio section of many conservative evangelical churches tells the tale. "We believe the...
Much has already been said and written about the recent meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS). The theme of this year's gathering was the doctrine of the Justification. Much attention was gained by the fact that N.T. Wright would be 'debating' Tom Schreiner and Frank Theilman on the...
Sunday's message was part 47 in our series through Hebrews. It is entitled "Let Us Go To Him" and is taken from Hebrews 13:9-13. You can listen to or download it HERE . Check out discussion guide by Aaron Roberts based upon the sermon HERE .
Important post from Martin Downes : What difference would it make if we seriously thought about the origins of false doctrines? It is vitally important to realise that heresies do not originate in the minds of men and women. Ultimately heresy originates with the devil. When the apostle Paul takes...
Carl Trueman has launched a series of reflections at Ref21 on why so many churches decline into theological liberalism. The first danger I want to highlight is that of the celebrity pastor who is ultimately so big as to be practically beyond criticism. Some pastors are just so successful as... James Hamilton - God's Glory in Salvation Through Judgment from Crossway on Vimeo ...
"If I have learned anything in 35 or 40 years of teaching, it is that students don’t learn everything I teach them. What they learn is what I am excited about, the kinds of things I emphasize again and again and again and again. That had better be the gospel. "If the gospel—even when you are...
From an article by Johnathan Leeman and Depak Reju: 1. Structure your own weekly schedule to include time with younger Christians (breakfasts and lunches, running errands, regular sermon reviews, etc.). 2. If you lead a literate congregation, ask the church for a pastoral budget for book giveaways...
Monergism Books now has an ebooks section. Check it out HERE .
Modern Reformation launches its book publishing efforts, appropriately, with a volume on the doctrine of justification . Watch Michael Horton discuss challenges to and the lasting relevance of the doctrine of justification HERE . Read the introduction on PDF HERE . TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Engaging N...
Ed Stetzer has weighed in on the latest insanity coming from the TSA. He gives four reasons why we should resist the TSA's new body scans and pat downs. 1. It is wrong. Yes, I will say it that bluntly. It is wrong to take naked pictures of people as a requirement for them to travel across a free...
Well, perhaps it's more an issue of faithfulness than competence. After all, pastor Joel has been extraordinarily competent in gathering a massive number of followers, selling millions of books, and duping millions of Christians with his winning smile and self-centered teaching. What Joel Osteen...
The current nonsense being visited upon Americans by the TSA (courtesy of the Department of Homeland Defense) is beginning to test our national patience. We desire security. Most of us take the threat of Islamic terrorism seriously. But most of us are also pretty sure that nuns, three-year-old...
"As it is written: 'None is righteous, no, not one; no one understands; no one seeks for God.'" - Romans 3:10-11 "It is foolish to structure worship for unbelievers who are seeking after God when the Bible tells us there aren’t any seekers. It manifests a failure to understand the things of God. If...
Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous. - Hebrews 13:4 “In marriage pleasure and fidelity we shout against the inevitability of marital breakup and adultery proclaimed by the godless. Our healthy...
Yesterday's message was part 46 in our series through Hebrews. It is entitled "Continue in Love" and is taken from Hebrews 13:1-8. You can listen to or download the sermon HERE .
Tomorrow I will be preaching from Hebrews 13:1-8 . It is series of imperatives beginning with a flowing from the command to "let brotherly love continue." During my preparation time I rand across the following words from Dorothy Day" "I really only love God as much as I love the person I love the...
It is no longer a new story that the Crystal Cathedral has filed for bankruptcy. What does this tell us about religion in the US, particularly evangelicalism? Check out this devastating article . In the US, where school psychologists are almost as common as school nurses, we are obsessed with talk...
I have been preaching through Hebrews for over a year. One of the features of Hebrews is its warning passages which have caused some to conclude that genuine Christians can lose their salvation. Tom Schreiner has done important work on those well known warning passages. When you get a chance, take...
Last Sunday's message was part 45 in our series through Hebrews. It is entitled The Unshakable Kingdom and is based on Hebrews 12:25-29. You can listen to or download it HERE .
Over at the Biologos , Mark Sprinkle has written an open letter challenging Al Mohler's conclusions about their organization. However, Dr. Sprinkle's letter is frustrating in it inaccuracy about what Mohler has actually written and said. But even more significant is what the letter reveals about...
If you are discipling a newer (or even not so new) believer then I cannot recommend highly enough Stephen Smallman's excellent book The Walk . Smallman wrote it for the very purpose of two people to work through together. It is structured in three main divisions: Part One: The Basics 1. What is a...
I love the art of Makato Fujimora. I was actually a bit surprised when I first saw his work and was immediately drawn to it. I am a lover of representational art. I also appreciate the work of the great impressionists. But I have never had much of an appreciation for "contemporary" or abstract art...
This singing of the Hallelujah Chorus occured last Saturday at the old Wanamaker building. For those of you who do not know, the Wanamaker has one of the world's largest pipe organs. Very cool!