biblical doctrine

Obadiah is a neglected text in the Old Testament. It is a short text, weighing in at twenty-one verses. A lightweight for sure. However, this is probably not the reason for its neglect. No, neglect likely stems from its subject matter. It is a book about Edom. You heard me right, Edom, the...
Editor's Note : Rob Ventura has provided us with a chapter from his forthcoming Mentor Commentary on the Book of Romans. We are thankful for the opportunity to share it with you. Our plan is to run segments of chapter 12 throughout the coming months. Enjoy! Text: Rom. 12:3-8 General theme:...
Editor's Note : Rob Ventura has provided us with a chapter from his forthcoming Mentor Commentary on the Book of Romans. We are thankful for the opportunity to share it with you. Our plan is to run segments of chapter 12 throughout the coming months. Enjoy! Text: Rom. 12:1-2 [1] General theme: A...
Aldo Leon
Recently, I was part of a floor examination in presbytery and heard a very common exception taken to the WCF concerning the use of images as it pertains to the second commandment, that being, images are the books of the unlearned (or little children). I challenged and made the claim that such an...
R.C. Sproul wrote, “The great lie of Satan is that if you really love a child, you won’t discipline him. In fact, normal discipline is often considered ‘child abuse.’ But the greatest abuse you can give a child is to let him do whatever he wants without any correction, chastening, or discipline. A...
A man loses his fortune in a fire. Shortly after, all four of his young children die in a tragic shipwreck. A young woman’s husband is brutally murdered. Her second husband dies of cancer, and she herself passes away after a decade-long battle with dementia. A promising teenager becomes a...
A few years back, there was a clever trend afoot that brought light amusement to some and great annoyance to others. Friends and family members would record a voicemail greeting that began with a cheery “hello,” only to pause for a few seconds before launching into the rest of the greeting, “I can’...
Those who have experienced a regular Sunday evening service, often observe a “quietness” about them fondly. The morning service is associated with the frenetic pace of rounding up households with hair and outfits assembled, racing to roles in the service, coffee hour, and Sunday school, and back...
“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” – Romans 8:18 Perspective, having the right perspective, is often times the difference between life and death. Joseph, having the perspective given to him by God that for...
If you don’t look up into the evening sky, you won’t see a shooting star—nor the moon, nor a sunset, and you’ll miss the comfort of God’s transcendent presence and comforting beauty. Psalm 123:1-2 emphasizes the need to keep lifting up our eyes unto the Lord: “Unto thee lift I up mine eyes, O thou...