
It’s easy to grow weary of proclaiming Christ, especially if it doesn’t seem to be making a difference in the lives of those we teach. We are prone to think that our toil is in vain if our children or spiritual children don’t seem to be maturing in Christ. Yet Colossians 1:24-29 teaches us that...
Jennie Faulding Taylor and Her Team of Brave Women In 1875, a serious drought in the north of China gave way to a dreadful four-year famine, with millions of deaths and a huge migration of people. Most casualties were in the province of Shanxi (an estimated 5.5 million deaths in four years)...
It is easy to set our minds on everything but heavenly things during the day. You might be tempted to replay the hard conversation you had with your friend repeatedly in your mind until you are overwhelmed. Your race for academic success or career advancement might be wearing you down. The behavior...
Thomas Charles, Mary Jones, and the Birth of the Bible Society Many of us have heard the story of the sixteen-year-old girl who walked 25 miles to buy a Bible with the money she had saved while doing chores. That girl was Mary Jones, and her destination was a church at Bala, Wales, where a shipment...
“For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.” – Romans 8:14 Is there anything more comforting in all of God’s revealed word than the thought that in Christ we are sons of God? We are finding ourselves climbing higher and higher up the mountain peak of Romans 8 and now in verse 14 we...
Hannah More and Her Lasting Influence on Education and Christian Service She has been described as the most influential woman in the British abolitionist movement – in fact, one of the most important women in 18 th -century Britain. After her death in 1833, the Christian Observer dared to say: “...
The title of the most recent Blue Ridge Bible Conference seems an appropriate descriptor for today's episode of Theology on the Go. Jonathan and James discuss the biblical, familial, and social implications of the latest manifestation of gender dysphoria: transgenderism. Why is a decision to reject...
THE ONLY SAVIOUR OF SINNERS When Christ was born, via a virgin birth The skies were filled with angelic mirth Who couldn’t give praise, or not be thrilled? The ancient prophecies were now fulfilled And central to redemption’s plan The Son of God was born a man He came from heaven, to earth to dwell...
For many of us, the fall signals a new and busy season of ministry. This is often an exciting time, but if we’re not careful, we will be so busy that we will forget what is most important. We will be tempted, after experiencing God’s greatness, goodness, and grace, to not stop and celebrate it in...
Christians are people of “ the Book.” What is more, Christians believe that this book is essential for all of life. Life can’t be lived without its message. So, we are thankful that God, in due time, inscripturated His Word, that is, the eternal God had them committed to writing “for the better...