Posts by Mortification of Spin

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After public confession of generational sin and absolution at the hands of the Spin team, Dr. Jonathan Master is ready to talk about pastoral integrity, accountability, disqualifying sin in the minister’s life, and the response from the church. Spoiler: No cover up here! Jon is the host of...
What do we know about Empress Mathilda, or Maud, as she was best known? Well until now, not so much. “The Girl Empress – The Chronicle of Maud” by Amy Mantravadi is a series of historical novels on the life of this fascinating English character of the 12th century. Amy lets...
Many in the online world are caught in the social media spin cycle of partisan bickering around politics, religion, and celebrity gossip. What is one to think of the frustration, the insults, and the open hostility that have become the normal pattern of response? Do we forget a human being is...
The crew travels West, picking Hollywood as their destination this week. Unfortunately, the topic is not “holiday” hit movies but the publicity of the Harvey Weinstein sex scandals. Questions are on the table and the discussion is on: Consent among two adults, how is that determined in...
We’re taking a ride in a Mustang GT through Western PA with our special guest T. David Gordon. He’s the professor of religion and Greek at Grove City College, he's also been studying and teaching media ecology for years. T. David offers some astute thoughts on how the media has...
The crew is playing “Pin the Tail on the Donkey” in the underground bunker as they take a look at the statement “Evangelicalism is as much of a culture as it is a theological movement,” and they discuss the difficult job of defining evangelicalism. What does evangelicalism...
It’s getting chilly in the Northeast so we head down to the Sunshine State, order a freshly-squeezed orange juice, and sit out in the sun with Michael Allen, professor of systematic theology at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando to talk about his New Study in Dogmatics volume entitled...
What does it take to disqualify a man from ministry? Adultery? Emotional and spiritual abuse? Manipulation? According to cultural Christianity, none of these! If God’s Word is not the rule of faith and life, the moral compass is lost and anything goes! We’re talking about the “...
This week the crew hops on their bikes and goes cycling with James White. They try to carry a conversation, but it’s tough to keep up with him! He’s the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, a Christian apologetics organization, and he wears many hats (literally and figuratively). He...
OK, let’s see if we got this right - Todd’s taking off from church because Carl’s giving him a hard time, and Aimee’s doing God’s work Sunday morning by doing Habitat... Well, not really! But they’re talking about some sad, even weird things happening on the...
By popular demand we bring Darryl Hart over from Michigan to the Chesapeake Bay State for a conversation about the fascinating life of J. Gresham Machen. His influence reached the highest levels of the U.S. government in matters of education, alcohol consumption, and military draft to name a few...
While on a celeb tour, Carl worked on a cool mustache - maybe compensating for hair loss? In the meantime, Aimee and Todd, two recovering Baptists, tell of their “journey” to Presbyterianism. Todd even wanders into his love for the Book of Church Order. Tune in to get that whole story!...
This week the crew invites James Dolezal for a crucial conversation on the doctrine of God. James is the assistant professor of Theology in the School of Divinity of Cairn University. In his latest book All That Is in God he defends the classic orthodox doctrine of God while engaging with some...
Is it the end of the world as we know it? Recent natural disasters around the world have once again drawn speculative voices claiming it’s the end times. Yep! And the date now is September 23 rd , 2017… Really? How are we to think about natural disasters and personal tragedy? Are they...
From rocking chairs on Todd’s front porch, our hosts try to sort out the lack of common sense among evangelicals. The mega-market of media is often “guiding” Christians to replace their mama’s basic teaching or their conscience as to what’s right and wrong. Do we need...
With the notes coming out of the Music City, the Mortification of Spin Trio decides to chime-in on the Nashville Statement. Who is the intended audience? What do the writers hope to accomplish? Our skeptical English host – who doesn’t sign statements whether he agrees with them or not...
We’re joined by a familiar guest this week, someone who knows the underground bunker very well. Todd and Aimee try to keep him humble by setting the ground rules right from the start. Having recently returned from his celebrity tour, our special guest, Carl Trueman, uses the opportunity to...
Carl’s globetrotting celebrity tour continues! So as Todd polishes off a fresh batch of gospel-centered cupcakes, he and Aimee stare into the bright spotlight of listener questions. What’s the difference between error and heresy? Can we declare someone a heretic? When is appropriate to...
We travel this week to experience real southern charm. And there’s no one better to sit down with for sweet tea and casual conversation than Melissa Kruger, writer and Women’s Ministry Coordinator at Uptown Church in Charlotte, NC. Aimee talks with Melissa about her books The Envy of...
As Carl and Todd are nowhere to be found, Aimee is left to defend the bunker alone. There she uncovers that very first MoS recording from the grand ole’ days before she was voted in as “one of the guys.” Not at all surprising, they’re talking about a woman, Rosaria...
Kelly Kapic, professor of Theological Studies at Covenant College, talks about suffering and bravery. Bravery exemplified by his courage to return to have old skeletons exposed by Aimee. His latest book, Embodied Hope, highlights where grace and goodness is found when suffering from illness and...
With Todd away at rehab after PCA General Assembly, Carl and Aimee gab on the 20-year mark of Joshua Harris’ book I Kissed Dating Goodbye, particularly on its impact for the young Christian. Dating - or are we to call it courting? - brings up a lot of questions! Can a guy even take a girl out...
Group therapy is in session and we get to eavesdrop… Carl and Aimee lend their ears to Todd as he pours out his heart about the joys and sorrows of the PCA’s General Assembly. We hear about very important topics; women’s ordination, the Second Commandment, anti-Presbyterian...
The bunker has erupted with trouble - yes, once again! This time the team tries to form a consensus on who's to blame for the therapeutic language of brokenness in contemporary Christianity. Todd blames Aimee and all the women; Carl blames Americans for the “pursuit of happiness”...
Lydia Brownback joins the conversation today to talk about loneliness - that dark cloud that shows no partiality on whom it descends. Lydia is a friend of the Alliance as a one time producer of The Bible Study Hour broadcast and what is now our Think and Act Biblically devotional. While we...
The nauseating activity of church shopping should not be confused with the often necessary need to find a new church. When there are several Gospel preaching churches to choose from, God has given us the ability to think critically to help us discern the right church to attend. Don’t think,...
Has social justice taken a prominent stage over sharing the Gospel message? What is social justice anyway? A growing number of Christians are giving voice to social justice. Yet one needs to beware of the snare of liberal camp movements too. Perhaps a good historian could be helpful here. Maybe...
With Carl visiting his mum, Todd and Aimee can finally consider the very real beauty gap between the Brits and the Americans! However, when we pick up the conversation Todd and Aimee return to talk about how the church deals with a repentant sinner versus one that is unrepentant. We all know that...
Today’s special guest Rosaria Butterfield was once a bold advocate for the LGBTQ community. Since then, she has come to Christ and married an Evangelical pastor, with whom she has had several children. She has authored two marvelous books about this "unlikely conversion" and one on...
The church has a silent killer, much like when carbon monoxide creeps into your house and you don’t even know it. Why are people coming to your church? Do they want to hear the Bible preached or do they want something more superficial? Is the purpose of the church to meet your individual felt...
Which is more beautiful?: Bach or Beyonce? Symmetry or asymmetry? Bald or Blonde? Carl or Todd? By natural design, beauty appeals to us and we seek it out daily whether it's music, art, fashion, or romance. Under sin's curse, we attune our minds to wrong perspectives and standards and make...
While Carl soaked in Italian rays, he treaded the town in his English footgear (black socks and open-toed sandals, to be exact), pondering the differences Protestants have with the Pope and his posse. Over the years, we've hosted numerous guests from the Roman Catholic persuasion on the show so...
Do children belong in Sunday morning worship? Is it worth the potential tantrums in the pew? We have Jason Helopolous on the line to help us answer this parental conundrum. Jason is Associate Pastor at University Reformed Church in East Lansing Michigan. He's also an author, husband and father...
Should Evangelicals "celebrate" Martin Luther? With this year marking the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, Luther is on the brain! His life and legacy should be an inspiration to us all - a man God significantly used in the birth of the Protestant Church. But, should we make a big...
With us today is Fran Maier, "the most interesting man in the world" … according to Carl Trueman. And here we thought Carl assumed that title (per his own nomination!). Fran, once a screenwriter for Warner Brothers, not only has an impressive resume but a unique perspective on...
Scripture sheds much light on the topic of forgiveness. But what if someone doesn't seek our forgiveness or is unrepentant? Certainly we have all, at some point or another, asked that question and likely wrestled with the answer. But perhaps there's other questions we might also ask: Should...
John Henry Crosby is a man wearing many hats: he is the President and Founder of the Hildebrand Project; he's a translator, critic, and writer. So who is Hildebrand? He was a stalwart who's voice and writings were compelled by exposing the evil he saw in Hitler and his Nazis regime...
The Psalms offer the Christian a unique plethora of language and capture a wide array of human emotion unlike any other book in the Bible. For the distressed and despairing, Psalms help us find words we otherwise counted as lost - what a gift to our weary souls! Please join Carl, Aimee & Todd...
Child abuse - it's heinous, it's a crime, it's a shame, and it's a sin. Unfortunately, it's quite pervasive in the Church which is often a soft target. Why is that, and what can we do to guard our flock more preventatively instead of reactively? We certainly need to educate our...
Which MOS host was promised to be made a cardinal by the Archbishop Chaput of Philadelphia if he becomes the next Pope? Aside from an empty promise, the Archbishop shares profound insights into the current Sexual Revolution from the Catholic perspective, and from his unique view point as someone...
What's on the rail for the lizard? … To answer that important question, we have Wendy Alsup on the show. She's a Mathematics professor at Community College in South Carolina, a mom, and the author of Is the Bible Good for Women?: Seeking Clarity and Confidence Through a Jesus-Centered Understanding...
"There may be something there that wasn't there before" … sings the cast of Beauty and the Beast at a pivotal moment in the Disney Classic. Well, days away from its appearance as a live-action film, those words couldn't ring more true! There is something there that wasn...
When, why, and how should you leave a church? Is it possible to do it graciously and gratefully, or are you just another church-shopping opportunist looking for what's on fleek? Interestingly, leaving a church is somewhat a modern dilemma. It's exponentially more possible with the increase...
Suicide is a troubling topic to examine - delicate and disturbing, one must speak carefully about it, especially with those left in its confusing wake. Common questions asked are: Is suicide an unforgivable sin? Could a true Believer take their own life? As a pastor, should I address suicide at the...
We're getting group therapy today so we called on the best of the best: David Powlison, Director of Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation, Senior Editor of the Journal of Biblical Counseling, and beloved counseling professor at Westminster Theological Seminary. We are delighted Todd...
While Carl's out getting hair plugs, Aimee and Todd steal the show to talk about the Christian term: Quiet Time. What is it exactly - let's talk about the why and how! As thinking people, we should critically consider the theology behind even our daily devotions, as our habits may be...
It's round two of the preaching conference and the conversation's heating up. As questions crop up from the crowd we have the usual off-the-wall inquiries but most are measured and helpful. It's yet another conversation where we contemplate the call of the minister, the effects of...
There's a blossoming author in our midst today and she's taking the Spin by storm! While riding the coattails of our most senior host's paper repoitroure, she inspires our "other" host to dream big. (He's making great progress with his coloring books, by the way). Yes,...
Once again, we haunt the halls of Van Til as it's time for the annual Preaching Conference at Westminster Theological Seminary. Much to our delight (and surprise!), they've invited us back. However, we know better than to think we're the hot commodity when sharing the stage with the...
You should confess all your lustful thoughts to your spouse... Is this a good idea? Unfortunately, this advice is being encouraged (and even taken!) within the evangelical world and Carl, Aimee & Todd discuss their concerns, teasing out the collateral damage such confessionals could cause. The...