Posts by Mortification of Spin

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On this installment of Bully Pulpit, Aimee, Todd, and Carl discuss the multi-generational nature of the Bride of Christ. How do we reconcile the fact that different generations seem to want different things from a church? Is it true that we need to constantly be looking to the youth? We must fight...
Aimee, Carl, and Todd are joined in the studio via the internet by Gloria Furman, author of Glimpses of Grace , published through Crossway, and blogger over at Domestic Kingdom . As a pastor's wife serving in Dubai, a major city in the United Arab Emirates, Gloria has a unique perspective on...
Aimee, Carl, and Todd are back at it - this time discussing the church's involvement in the public square, specifically when dealing with the polarizing issue of abortion. How are Christians to conduct themselves, in the church and on the street, when talking about and protesting abortion? Are...
What's the purpose of a sermon? Is it to inspire the congregation or just a means of transmitting knowledge? Or is the sermon something greater? Dead bones came to life when Ezekiel preached. Are the sermons you listen to that powerful? Listen to Aimee, Carl and Todd once again discuss sermons...
What do you look for in a good church? Bouncy castles, a good social network, a place to land a good business deal? Those may be fun, but there’s more to it than that. Don't forget about good preaching and a robust confession. Listen to Bully Pulpit with Carl, Todd, and Aimee to learn...
What role does preaching play in today's church? The Rev. Dr. Jonathan Master joins Carl Trueman and Todd Pruitt to talk about the importance and gravity of preaching. Through the book "Preaching & Preachers" by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, they show the necessity and primacy of the...
How can Christians appropriately, firmly but sensitively talk about the Bibles teaching on sexuality. Our sexuality is for the glory of God and not a means to its own end. There is so much that can be said about our sexual identity so listen now to Carl and Aimee on the Bully Pulpit as they touch...
How do elders function in the church? What's the point of having elders? What is their role in supporting their pastor and caring for their congregation? Dr. Carl Trueman and Todd Pruitt discuss the important and perennial topic of biblical elder leadership in this episode of Mortification of...
Carl Trueman, Todd Pruitt, and Aimee Byrd are back at it, and doing what they do best: tear down your preconceived notions and build up Gospel truths in their place. This time they take on Christmas, and discuss the utter amazing truth of Jesus' incarnation. The trio try their best to cover...
In this episode of Mortification of Spin, Carl Trueman and Todd Pruitt are joined by Christopher Bogosh through the wonders of technology, Carl and Todd interview Christopher about his new book "Compassionate Jesus: Rethinking the Christian's Approach to Modern Medicine." How are...
Carl Trueman, Todd Pruitt, and Aimee Byrd are back at it! In this edition of Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit they discuss the importance of accountability specifically in church leadership. Leaders must accept and embrace the right to free speech, even when that speech is critical or unwanted...
How sufficient is God's Word? Do the charismatic gifts have a place in the church today? Carl Trueman and Todd Pruitt are joined via satellite by the Pyromaniacs themselves - Dan Phillips and Frank Turk. The group discusses the cessationism of the charismatic gifts. God has given us all we need...
In this issue of Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit, Carl Trueman and Todd Pruitt discuss the importance of the church fathers to modern Christianity. How can men who lived thousands of years ago speak to today's issues with any relevance? Learn more about some of the important fathers of our...
What is the meaning of sex? It's all we talk about today. But why did God create sex in the first place? On this episode of the Mortification of Spin we are joined by a special guest who will help us uncover the meaning of sex. Listen now as our hosts discuss sex, not in a salacious way as some...
How do pastors and church leaders keep themselves accountable to their congregations? What happens when a church is treated more like a business than a house of worship? Listen in to the Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit to hear Todd Pruitt and Aimee Byrd as they discuss the dangerous cult of...
Aimee Byrd makes another appearance with Carl Trueman and Todd Pruitt, this time her first as co-host. Listen in as the trio discuss Halloween and its impact on the Christian life. Is it problematic for a Christian family to trick-or-treat on Halloween? To what lengths does Christian liberty extend...
Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit gives hosts Carl Trueman and Todd Pruitt a chance to briefly discuss timely issues. Listen as they discuss some criticism and lashback they have gotten because of the podcast, and some of the reasons behind their perceived "harshness" toward prominent...
Author and blogger Aimee Byrd joins your regular hosts Carl Trueman and Todd Pruitt to talk about a perrennial issue throughout the life of the church: abuse. Though Carl and Todd have discussed this issue before, they seek Aimee's wisdom in confronting a more subtle form of abuse that happens...
What has become of marriage in our society? When the rules are as bent as they are now, even something as absurd as "marrying" oneself is no longer seen as laughable as it would have once been, but is praised and even endorsed. Listen to Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit and hear Carl...
Carl and Todd are at it again! Join them as they discuss Todd's "journey" to his new Presbyterian "tribe" from his Southern Baptist roots. Listen in and learn more about the distintives of church governmental structures between denominations. Call them "elitist" if...
Listen in as Carl Trueman and Todd Pruitt take to the Bully Pulpit. On this week’s Pulpit they discuss the means and goals of preaching. What role does evangelism play in preaching? How do Jesus and the Apostles teach men to preach? Today, many preachers give their congregations gobbledygook...
Dr. Stephen Nichols, Research Professor of Christianity and Culture at Lancaster Bible College , stops by the “studio” once again to talk with Carl and Todd. After a rocky start they get to the point of discussion: the overwhelming cultural fascination with youth. The gang explains how...
Carl from his pulpit and Todd from his heavily armed bunker kick off a new Mortification of Spin series, The Bully Pulpit . In this first episode, in light of a recent hypersexualized musical performance, Todd asks if the church has any credibility on sexual ethics and decency? Or does an unabashed...
If you get heartburn over the mention of the word "liturgy," you may find some proverbial antacid in the thoughtful conversation between our hosts on this episode of The Mortification of Spin. In fact, Carl and Todd remind us that our churches are all liturgical in one way or another -...
Todd and Carl interview Aimee Byrd in an attempt to answer the question: can anything good really come out of West Virginia? Mrs. Byrd is the popular blogger, now published author and self-identified "Housewife Theologian." If you're picturing a woman - pregnant, barefoot and in the...
Your favorite comedian/theologians, Todd Pruitt and Carl Trueman, team up yet again - this time to answer some important questions about how the church should be run and who should be running it. We'll learn that faithful teaching, a willingness to contend for truth and godly maturity are all...
This episode of The Mortification of Spin takes on a more serious tone as Todd and Carl offer a pastoral approach to the sensitive topic of spousal abuse. In tragic cases of abuse within the church, where does the dividing line between church discipline and civil law exist? Does abuse stand as...
Todd and Carl interview Steve Nichols, author and professor of Christianity and Culture at Lancaster Bible College , and they respectfully dub their guest the "Peter Pan of reformed theology." While Steve may look young, he is certainly insightful when it comes to this episode's topics of...
Is there such a thing as a tan Englishman? Todd and Carl debate the issue momentarily before focusing their attention on the recent news surrounded Pope Francis' universalist comments. If you're not familiar with the term "anonymous Christian" (don't worry...we weren't...
As Todd and Carl report from "The Batcave" to offer a solemn critique of Andy Stanley's book, Deep and Wide, the hosts discuss the biblical role of the church, Jesus' example and the definition of happiness. While both the topic and their critique are serious, the musical...
If you're ready for a little education on church history, check out this edition of The Mortification of Spin with special guest and children's book author, Simonetta Carr. A successful teacher, writer and homeschooling mother of eight kids, Simonetta is certainly busy, but denies being any...
Todd Pruitt and Carl Trueman meet with PCA church planter, Jon “No Gain” Payne, to discuss the struggles, victories and overall philosophy of biblical church planting. All jokes about skinny jeans and soy lattes aside, the hosts jump right in and ask the tough questions. What does the...
What does good theology, Pelagius, fish-n-chips and suffering have in common? It's not the sufferings of Job that is discussed at length, but the special guest who will be discussing suffering. It's not important that Job understands why suffering came to him, what's important is that...
With no students to teach Steve Nichols, Research Professor of Christianity and Culture at Lancaster Bible College , joins Todd and Carl on Mortification of Spin to discuss Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Was Bonhoeffer an Evangelical, was he even a Christian? At what point are his writings helpful for us?...
On Mortification of Spin , Todd Pruitt and Carl Trueman talk about the necessity of dressing up in order to attend church on Sunday and how that standard must be maintained at all costs. However, both aim to avoid conflict but understand that only through conflict will the church be around in 53...
Todd Pruitt and Carl Trueman discuss the recent publication of Rosaria Champagne Butterfield’s Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert. Dr. Butterfield, a former Lesbian professor, came to faith in Jesus Christ through the ministry of an unassuming Reformed pastor and his family. Not only so,...
Hosts Carl Trueman and Todd Pruitt discuss the evangelical fascination with being cool. The problem with being cool is that it is the overarching culture or zeitgeist that determines what is cool and what is not. Christians are called to be conformed to the image of the Son and this implies some...
Hosts Carl Trueman and Todd Pruitt discuss the tragedy of suffering in a fallen world. While recognizing the reality of natural evil (such as illness and earthquakes), the conversation focuses on moral evil in which human beings inflict on one another intentional malice. The truth of the matter is...
Hosts Carl Trueman and Todd Pruitt have a friendly conversation about things that matter. In this episode the hosts discuss the temptation for Christians to poorly imitate the cultural fashions of the world around them. Rather, Christians are called to fulfill their callings as unto the Lord. The...