Posts by Mortification of Spin

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This week the spin's all about Thomas Oden and his latest book, A Change of Heart: A Personal and Theological Memoir . Oden, once a man deep in radical, liberal ideals passionately opposed to orthodoxy, confesses a stunning conversion to orthodox evangelical Christianity, and at the coaxing of...
Welcome back to the Preaching Conference as we rejoin the panel discussion where the team and Reverend Kent Hughes tackle meaningful questions submitted by pastors and seminary students attending the event. The banter is contagious and some of the questions outrageous… yet helpful. Tune in...
Take a gander with Carl, Aimee, and Todd as they browse today's Christian Best-Sellers list. Discerning worthwhile reads from sentimental fluff, they look for theological substance but the pickin's are slim. With the casual aside, this is a courageous conversation to address a serious...
Grab a seat in Rust Auditorium at Westminster Theological Seminary where the MoS crew talk with Dr. Kent Hughes at the annual preaching conference. Dr. Hughes has a long track-record of faithfulness behind the pulpit and the pen. He answers on a topic he knows much about: preaching. You'll hear...
Jonathan & David of the Old Testament… were they homosexual or was it just a bromance? Not a new question to a culture tending to attribute sexuality to deep, rewarding relationships… but why is that so? The Gang addresses the need to reinstate friendships to a non-sexual category...
This week, the Gang loiters outside a mega-church conference, enticed by the big-band jams vibrating through the concrete to their high-tops. They've decided to forego the meeting this time because they've gotten "swept away" in conversation about the experience they could be...
How high should standards be for a pastor and his ministry? Do we rate his success in congregation size, fame, or by how white his teeth are? Standards can be unrealistic and unbiblical when a new pastor comes on the scene, and comparisons can foster a culture of critique and criticism. Bad pastors...
Join us at The Dripping Blade Pub, where Paul Levy sips a Welsh cider awaiting the MoS Crew. Levy is the minister of International Presbyterian Church in West London, and he is also Carl Trueman's only friend. Once at the bar, they discuss Francis Schaeffer, L’Abri, and how “a God...
We live in a culture of "no regrets"… but shouldn't we have some? Even one? The Spinners certainly do and are willing to air out their scarlet letters for a little confession of Spin. Truth is, we've all made mistakes, but could the ones most recently made on the...
What do zip lines, blonde hair, and free-range chickens have in common with pastoral ministry? Is Carl going to be next year's super-star pastor after his latest tome, Your Worst Life Now ? Pastors have a high and difficult calling in their ministry, and whether you pastor 8 or 8,000,...
Addressing the resignation of high-profile pastor Mark Driscoll, the team discusses a relevant question: Can a pastor be restored to ministry? They offer biblical options to a dismal scenario churches face all too often. As usual, they don't hold back from exposing the underlying issues at hand...
Aimee's outnumbered in the city that never sleeps… and it keeps getting balder! But wait, it seems Carl and Todd aren't the only balding stars of this show. Come along as they hit the streets with pastor and author Tim Keller to discuss his new book, Center Church: Doing Balanced,...
What do humanism and creedless Christianity have in common? And what's the need for a creed anyway? The gang throw out their two cents and discuss an article about Bart Campolo, who recently renounced his Christian faith and declared himself an agnostic humanist. Serious blind spots and...
Dr. David VanDrunen, professor of systematic theology and Christian ethics at Westminster Seminary Calfornia, is outside Georgetown Tobacco where Carl, Aimee, and Todd are wondering what all the fuss is about with two kingdoms theology. The way Christians relate to the culture is an increasingly...
Martin Luther - a man of mystery and many talents. Aside from writing lists, he was quite the letter writer, too, and with Reformation season around the corner, the Gang's discussion of Luther's woeing and woes is timely. Listen in as they share of his influence on their own lives and...
Pull up a chair, light some candles, and prepare to be authentic and vulnerable. We have a spot at the table for you and Carl, Todd, and Aimee are here to teach us about discipleship. Join the “movement” today to hear about the ordinary means of grace, the importance of the church vs...
This week, the gang flips through the pages of Daniel Block's book, For the Glory of God: Recovering a Biblical Theology of Worship . The team concurs: Block's ideas on today's fundamental elements of worship, such as singing and prayer, are thought-provoking and worth a read. The gang...
This week the gang's in deep water discussing the holy sacrament of baptism - How should we treat it? Who should administer it? Why does it even matter? They reveal key exegetical defenses, share helpful resources for those on the fence, and tell what convinced them to hang up their own...
Join a provocative conversation with Rachel Miller, News Editor for The Aquila Report and blogger, as she enlightens us about the patriarchy movement, its driving forces, and its many dangers that have gone under the radar in reformed circles. It's all talk about headship, gender roles, and the...
Gallantly riding in from the White Horse Inn, our guest, Michael Horton -- author and fellow podcaster -- shares his thoughts on reformed theology and how he came upon it garbed in silk and laden with puka shells. Join the usual Spin Team as they discuss some of the nuts and bolts of the reformed...
Dating? Courtship? What do those words mean? Do they even matter in today's hook-up culture? What is the best option? Always ready to ruffle some feathers, the gang takes this subject head-on and, in usual Spin fashion, doesn't pull any punches. Their discussion centers around the Duggar...
This just in: "Polite Society" has banished Carl, Aimee, and Todd to live on Leper Island! While exploring the island they found another outcast, one who was marooned long ago - Phil Johnson. Phil, of the self-proclaimed Pyromaniacs, chats with the gang about starting fires with Frank...
Today our Reformed trifecta considers hopping on the ol' evangelical bandwagon. The gang highlights some understated dangers of churches whose leadership present an alluring faux intimacy and show lack of integrity. They also give loyalty to said leaders and their man-made standards over...
Everyone's favorite Welsh theologian returns, and Pelagius has nothing on Derek Thomas! Drop in to hear the Spinners talk with Derek about a whole slew of topics. Principally, they ask him about sin in the lives of pastors. Is it truly "authentic" to be vaguely vulnerable from the...
This installment of Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit sees the crew discussing a pervasive cultural sensation - The Fifty Shades of Grey book series. Since the release of the movie's first trailer, the Internet is abuzz with talk of the series; some of the hype is even streaming from...
Crisis! Todd's past comes back to bite him. This Promise Keepers-sweatshirt-wearing hooligan and the rest of the gang discuss a continually important pastoral subject: leadership. Much of what passes for "leadership training" in the evangelical church is profoundly unhelpful. It has...
"If you will agree to tithe your income for 90 days and you don't receive a blessing from God, you'll get your money back, guaranteed!" This sort of spiritual mumbo jumbo is, as Carl nicely sums up, bonkers. Those who propose these gimmicks are treating God as a pagan deity, and...
Dubbed the reformed Harry Styles, William Shatner, and Cruella De Vil, Carl, Todd, and Aimee set out on another spinning adventure. The MoS posse toss around ideas about the biblical concept of finding strength in the midst of weakness. As Christians, we must draw our strength from our brokenness,...
Broadcasting from deep within the bowels of a college's frathouse, the wandering band of misfits address campus ministry. Bouncing off of an article published on First Things by Robert Gregory , the gang talks about campus ministry on secular colleges, some of which are making Christian groups...
Quilting needles in hand (just listen, you'll get it), the Spin Team get to a controversial topic once again - this time discussing racial diversity with author Trillia Newbell. Trillia's perspective is a unique and helpful one, as she gets into issues not yet talked about on Mortification...
Fatherhood is a weighty responsibility. Fathering daughters is especially challenging. Who makes the rules for a daughter's life, particularly when it comes to dating? What is the dad's responsibility in setting the rules? Fathers must hold fast and protect their daughters wholeheartedly...
"Dispy Dan" Phillips drops by the West Virginian tavern the gang seems to find themselves in to talk bad about niceness. Is it wrong to be mean in conservative Evangelicalism? Is niceness the highest calling for a Christian? It's proposed as the end-all of Christian life, but is this...
The ragtag group of vagabonds takes on the issue of pastoral plagiarism, and as usual pulls no punches. After scoffing at the "manly" Father's Day items Aimee is considering buying for her husband, they get down to the issue. How much can a pastor "borrow" from others before...
Listen today on Mortification of Spin to decide for yourself if your favorite Reformed pastor is more than just a pretty face. The gang’s penchant for the serious, however, is not eclipsed by the silly. Mark Jones joins Carl, Todd, and Aimee to tackle the huge topic of antinomianism. Rev...
The question of women’s roles in the church is as old as the church herself, but in the past ten years the numbers of women teaching theology has skyrocketed. Women teach on blogs, posts, and tweets from all over the world. Is it OK? What is the difference between her work and a non-ordained...
The Mortification of Spin hosts delve into a more serious topic today in a discussion with Dr. Diane Langberg. A licensed psychologist, Dr. Langberg has walked alongside victims of domestic violence for almost four decades. In this sober conversation, she offers sound counsel to a complex and...
This week’s Bully Pulpit finds the free-range gang sippin’ coffee made by vulnerable baristas who use only respectfully treated coffee beans. As Carl, Todd, and Aimee get real, they raise an issue magnified by social media: the blurring of public and private boundaries in our lives and...
Melanie Brunson and her dog Sparta join Carl, Todd, and Aimee this week to discuss the church's care for people with disabilities. Blind from infancy, Melanie gives a unique and enlightening perspective on being a part of the body of Christ. How can Christians help those with disabilities in...
Todd and Aimee go at it without Carl today to discuss the practice of “Fight Churches.” Can men beat the living daylights out of each other one day and pray on their knees together the next? If so, why would they even want to do that? What does it have to do with outreach and evangelism...
Back in their secret underground bunker, the spin team phone up David Wells to discuss his body of work and his huge contributions to modern Christianity. As a turncoat, a self-described "African-American," David has a unique experience and insight into American Christianity. David's...
If you are looking to be inspired the Mortification of Spin team is on task to speak to your mind. In light of the release of “Heaven is For Real” last week, the team asks important questions about how the church should do evangelism. While Americans tend to be drawn toward the...
After taking care of the official business of making Aimee "one of the guys," the hosts get into a discussion of Easter and its celebration in churches. Is Easter a pagan holiday? It is necessary for pastors to preach the resurrection, so its focus on Easter shouldn't be abnormal, but...
"Gospel-centered" desserts: transforming the culture, or confusing Gospel categories? This "excessively Kuyperian" approach to the Christian life seems to seek to make a vocation Christian, instead of one being a Christian in a vocation. We do not need to "Christianize...
How does God speak to us today? How do we understand the sufficiency of God's Word? Carl, Aimee, and Todd take Sarah Young's popular devotional "Jesus Calling" to task. In it, Young claims to need more than Scripture to hear from God and has written words "from Jesus"...
With many states moving to legalize marijuana churches may now and certainly will soon have to deal with congregants smoking pot. Does the Bible allow for use of substances like marijuana? What part does a Christian's freedom play in the use of the drug? How should churches respond? Carl, Todd...
Sin. Loss. Deprivation. Law. Grace. Aimee, Todd, and Carl are joined by author and counselor Barbara Duguid on this installment of Mortification of Spin. Barbara is author of the book "Extravagant Grace," and grace is the topic at hand. How are Christians to reconcile on-going, indwelling...
The Spin team hit up their local Christian bookstore to browse the shelves and peruse the contents of some popular books. Based on the message of these books, the American Church is in danger of forgetting the truth of the Bible: we are wretched sinners in need of an amazingly gracious Savior...
What is the purpose of a robust theology if it cannot serve to practically help the believer? How does that theology play into God's sovereignty through our suffering? Aimee, Todd, and Carl talk with pastor and cancer survivor Paul Wolfe about his battle with cancer and its impact on his...
This edition of the Mortification of Spin marks the inauguration of a new game: Bully Pulpit Challenge! Carl, Aimee, and Todd respond to a listener's email asking for a critique of an interview that "pastor" Carl Lentz gave recently. In this image-obsessed world, many times churches...
Aimee, Carl, and Todd like to push buttons, and this week’s installment of the Mortification of Spin is no different as they discuss sexual ethics. Our current cultural milieu is one which exalts sexual behavior, and to speak out against it is seen as heresy. But where does it stop? When will...