Posts by Mortification of Spin

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We have Dr. Timothy Witmer with us today, and what a story he has to tell! Dr. Witmer is an author and Westminster Theological Seminary professor of Practical Theology. He's also a "Moses" figure for leading St. Stephen Reformed Church, a once United Church of Christ church, to the...
"Who did you vote for?" It's a loaded question, but for Carl he simply pulls the green card. So is there such a thing as piety in the poll booth? How should Christians vote? In our recent presidential election, Carl, Aimee & Todd sniff out some sloppy theology that surfaced during...
Today's guest is a Billy Graham wanna-be, city-slickin' Scotsman who believes in emoticons but struggles with social cues. He invited himself to our recording to eat all our pastries and lingered while we interviewed two guests. He's none other than Liam Goligher, Senior Pastor of Tenth...
A while back, we welcomed Dr. Anthony "Tony" Esolen on the show. He was a striking presence discussing how cultural norms destroy the imaginations of our children. Tony resurfaces today as a hot topic in controversial circumstances. In the wake of a thought-provoking piece recently...
"If you have to ask what jazz is, you'll never know" - Louis Armstrong. Well, if ever there was someone to ask about jazz in our circles, it's Dr. William Edgar, Apologetics Professor at Westminster Theological Seminary, President of the Huguenot Fund, and gifted jazz pianist. Dr...
Does anyone wear black to a funeral anymore? Seems increasingly common to have "celebrations of life" in lieu of funerals. As Christians, we mourn but not as those without hope, but that's just it, we do and should mourn our losses. So why is grief displaced with "happiness...
"We live with an odd mix of immature people incapable of adult responsibility and yet full of extreme self-confidence,” said an English menace. But perhaps Carl is onto something - what of this Neverland with its abundance of "Lost Boys"? Not surprisingly, women complain of...
It's not Reformation Day anymore but we are still a-buzz about Luther and more specifically, the Biblica Germanica. Our Spin bookworms gawk over its beautiful calligraphy and the black and white illustrations, which Todd mistakenly took for coloring pages ... we knew better than to let him...
It's difficult finding the right thing to say to those in mourning - we clumsily fumble over our words, say nothing, or utter the worst possible thing at the worst possible time. Whatever our experience, we could all use help ministering better to those suffering loss - in particular, the loss...
Reformation Day has come and gone so naturally we talk about Martin Luther. He's no Halloween has-been, so we thought: "Better get a legit Church Historian and Luther extraordinaire on today's show!" Unfortunately Roland Bainton left the stage in '84 and Robert Kolb would...
Simonetta Carr has authored numerous (and superb!) children’s books. It’s our honor to have her on the show today, and it won’t take you long to figure out she ain’t from around here. Originally hailing from lovely Italy, she now lives in sunny Cali - trading one vineyard...
Happy 10th anniversary to the Young Restless & Reformed! To those unfamiliar with YRR, we aren't marking the anniversary of a soap opera, (though, it's had its fair share of drama!). The YRR, or New Calvinism, is a movement that gained momentum in the late 90's when many grew...
Let’s talk ministerial burnout! It’s a relevant topic at the end of another marathon recording day as we squeeze our hosts for onnnnne more episode. Poor Todd, red-eyed and against his fragile will, did not leave the studio despite his many threats to do so. Just a Diva trapped inside a...
As you may know, our hosts are avid readers. But what you don't know may surprise you ... Carl enjoys snuggling up to a good comic & Todd's keen on the Scratch and sniff, pop-up variety but Aimee's leaps and bounds ahead of the boys with the more mature palette, devouring her fair...
Wesley Smith, lawyer and an award winning author, recognized as an expert thinker in the field of bioengineering and a "Great Defender of Life" for his work against assisted suicide and euthanasia, joins us today as we bask in the glories of the one-star Best Western conference room...
In Reformed Theology, we hold firm to the tradition of true doctrine - we believe it's invaluable to aiding an understanding of our faith and more importantly we believe scripture to be the supreme and normative source of what we believe. Yet why are so many evangelicals leery of combining the...
Name 10 ways to destroy your child’s imagination. Ok, we'll give you 5 to start: 1. Mechanize your kid, 2. pad their resume, 3. send them to Yale, 4. stifle their natural talents and, if you do nothing else, 5. deter any natural tendency to admire God's vast creation. This is but a...
Today we have Rusty Reno on the line for a special XL Bully Pulpit. Rusty is editor of First Things Magazine, formerly taught theology and ethics at Creighton University, and has authored many theological books of which one is a topic of today's conversation: Resurrecting the Idea of a...
We're here again with our boy, Max “Rambouski” Benfer. Strangely he always finds our secret bunker! Despite our better judgment, we let him appear on the show … (what can we say, we feel bad for the guy!). He's had quite a colorful past and in his previous life, Max...
Are all things being redeemed … even Pokemon Go?! C'mon. We're handing out our very last Desperate Theology award and we hope the winner will take it in stride! In light of Pokemon, Carl, Aimee, and Todd sit down to talk "Hyperreality", that is, the reality that isn't...
According to Carl, Aimee & Todd, church membership isn’t an extra-biblical idea, so where does it originate from and what does it even matter? More importantly who does it better: the OPC or the PCA? (Carl's got the answer to that). Once we tease out why church membership is important...
Today's Desperate Theologizer gets a failing grade from MOS, but they need more than a trip to the principal's office to straighten them out. Speaking of authority, the pulpit grants power to those behind it, but sometimes it becomes a weapon taken to extremes. Heavy shepherding, control,...
How on earth can we trust the books in the Bible to be the only Word of God, or “canon”, to which no man should add or subtract? What exactly is the canon and why is it important? What are its fundamental flaws, (and if there are any), then how can we be confident in it? The canon can...
Can mercy and grace find their way into your workout? Well, uniting brain and brawn has never been more feasible thanks to the desperate efforts of another Theologizer. In other news: Carl has a piercing question for Todd: “Is your Frat-Boy-Honeymoon period with the PCA over?” General...
Preachers preach theology, but what about our theology on preaching? Should sitting under the preached word take priority over other forms of scriptural intake? What about one-on-one discipleship, small-group Bible studies, biblical counseling, and Christian fellowship - do they take the backseat...
The recent Trinity Debate has raised an eyebrow (or two) in both the Protestant and Roman Catholic churches. If you're not in the know by now, we'll give you the twenty-minute brief today. There's more at stake than the ontology and economy of the Trinity. This also impacts how we view...
Today we have Rod Dreher on the show. Rod is a Gumbo-eatin’, Louisiana City-Slickin’ Eastern Orthodox and author. He’s here to explain the Benedict Option, and … we’re still not sure we get it! He talks about moral and civil life, and how Christians ought to live in...
In Desperate Theology this week is… it's always 2008 somewhere. Fast forward 8 years and we find our public schools are an ever-increasing world of confusion especially in regards to gender. Is the (latest) Sexual Revolution as bad as it looks? The transgender issue is a fundamental...
Most assume sex trafficking starts with a brutal kidnapping - like in a movie. However, it’s often a long process: seduction, coercion, seasoning, and recruiting. VAST (Valley Against Sex Trafficking) works diligently to bring awareness about trafficking while restoring God-given dignity to...
Desperate theology has gone viral in the Church of...! Not to worry, we have more class than to spoil the win but let’s just say Liam Goligher will wish he's Welsh after crowning today's Desperate Theologizer. In other news, the Gang discuss some recent pulpits going political. Is...
Our favorite Catholic is with us again: Dr. Frank “Clinton” Beckwith! Once the laughter subsides, we get to some pressing questions about religion in the public sphere: Can you really leave your religion at the door? What is pure religious liberty? What liberties can we live with, which...
On this week’s Desperate Theology, we crown another lucky lady! In other news, Carl & Todd have a question about preference in preaching: what’s the best rule-of thumb … is it best to preach thematically or systematically? Do you go big-picture, dabble in topics, or lead your...
So if all dogs go to heaven? … where do cats go? Scot McKnight, Julius R. Mantey Chair of of New Testament professor at Northern Seminary and author of Heaven's Promise (today’s giveaway!), joins a discussion on Heaven with Carl, Aimee, and …Tom? Often we get dreamy ideas of...
On this week’s edition of Desperate Theology, find out what Presbyterians and Prince have in common. And per popular demand, our three hosts give more clarification on their complementarian views with a specific focus on teaching Sunday School. Things get a bit hostile/it’s basically a...
Hailing from the sunny sands of California to the red-hand of Ulsterland, we have two listeners chiming in with questions for our hosts: “How high or low should the confessional bar be set in church: for the leadership and for the membership?” and, “Do elders have the right to...
This week's Desperate Theology is a bit of a looney tune. You'll have to grin and bear it to hear Carl, Aimee, and Todd answer a listeners' question: "Should a Paedobaptist marry a … (reformed) Baptist?" It's a legitimate question with legitimate concerns. What of a...
Beloved Covenant College professor, author, and family man, Dr. Kelly Kapic, joins us to talk number 2 pencils and the spirituality of college students. He shares some of his joys teaching at Covenant College, a small private Christian college atop Lookout Mountain, and also voices misconceptions...
Child abuse … it's not just a Catholic church issue but pervades into the pulpits and pastorate of the Protestant church, too. What measures does your church take in checking the backgrounds and even reputations of its leaders? What cover-ups are there? Is there room for questioning a...
With us today is Dr. Scott Manetsch from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. His charge for us is to consider the importance of reading and “knowing” John Calvin. Dr. Manetsch wears many hats: a professor of Church History and the History of Christian thought, author of Calvin’s...
Two shady sheep wandered into Todd's megachurch today. Skirting by security, Carl and Aimee are incognito to rate Todd's preaching and their notes are ... lacking in content. Aimee's doing her usual multitasking - doodling nun chucks and jotting her grocery list while Carl's a man...
The Sledge Sisters sing about it, we are born into one, and it’s God’s idea: Family. So how does family relate to the Church and its grander mission (even the Great Commission!)? What constitutes a family, how does it reflect the image of God and … what about singles? We are...
Round II of Desperate Theology, and the award goes to … The Sacramental Entrepreneur! In other news, the Spin Trifecta has been compromised - Todd has people to see and places to go so couldn't bother with recording, but the show must go on! Carl and Aimee discuss the wisdom and...
Tom Schreiner graces Studio B to discuss the many benefits, blessings, and payoffs in understanding our justification. Dr. Schreiner is the James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation, Professor of Biblical Theology, and Associate Dean of the School of Theology at Southern...
This week we start a new segment: Desperate Theology. Tune in each Bully Pulpit for a hilarious insight into the latest theologies out there and how they, at best, can be quite desperate. In other news, the primary goal of today's casual conversation is addressing the significance of the Church...
Welcome back to Westminster Theological Seminary, nestled in the quaint city of Glenside, Pennsylvania where the Preaching Conference is still underway. For this portion, students have submitted thought-provoking questions to our LIVE panel which includes Joel Beeke and Kent Hughes - two men with...
"Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet," (1 Tim. 2:11-12). Aimee would say: What does that even mean?! To which Todd would say: Well, here’s the deal… It's a...
Dr. Joel Beeke, President of Puritan Reformed Seminary, joins the Mortification of Spin (again!) on a LIVE panel at the annual Preaching Conference at Westminster Theological Seminary. Dr. Kent Hughes stands in as a “guest host” giving his own Spin on ministry. It's a full...
Is anything biblically wrong with enjoying secular music … for the glory of God? Perhaps you're a (closet) secular music junkie drumming to The Who, but it’s all King’s College and Sandra McCracken on Sunday mornings. Certainly we know there’s a line, but it can be hard...
The toxic effects of Porn addiction go far beyond that of just the addict. What about the wives of addicts? How do they suffer? And what are the Church’s worst mistakes in dealing with the spouse of an unfaithful husband? Today we have Ellen Dykas of Harvest USA to speak to such questions...
Henry Ford says: "History is bunk." But does the past give identity to the present? How does understanding history liberate us in the present, and even the future? And as a Christian, is it important to know church history? Today's conversation is right down the alley of our in-house...